Chapter 23: Finally Mine

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"This pizza tastes like ass." Ashton mumbles next to me as he takes a big bite of his pizza.

"How would you even know what that tastes like?" I ask, taking a bite out of mine.

"I don't, but if I did know, I bet it'd taste like this satan pizza." He said, sighing.

I finished off my slice and laid down on the dock that we were sitting on. Not wearing any shoes limited the places that we could actually go so Ashton had to change his gameplan a bit.

"How dare this be called pizza!" He chewed his last bit grumpily and joined me on the ground.

"Calm down Drama King." I say, grabbing his hand.

"I just...nevermind. Forget I said anything."

"What Ash?"


"No, you were gonna say something. Tell me." He covers his face with his hands and I pull them away, moving my face closer to his.

"You're pushy Jordyn Ellis. You know that right?" He whines.

"Stop stalling." I huff as a strand of hair falls in front of my eyes.

"I just..wanted this date to be perfect because I really like you Jor." He admits, causing butterflies in my stomach.

"It's kind of my fault. I mean, who forgets their shoes on a date?" I sigh, moving so I my arms were resting on either side of him while still maintaining eye contact.

"It's not your fault Jor. I should've had a back up plan."

"How do you prepare for your date forgetting her shoes?" I giggle.

"You're a handful Jordyn, but that's why I like you." He smiles up at me.

"If it makes you feel any better, this is the best first date I've ever been on."

"Wow, considering your first one was with Alex, that really isn't saying anything." He scoffs as he rolls his eyes at me.

"But it's perfect because I'm with you." I say so quiet that it's almost inaudible. Ashton's lips pull up into a smirk signaling that he heard what I said.

"I thought we're supposed to save the mushy gushy stuff for the second date." He laughs as he moves our position so that he's now hovering over me.

"I do what I want." I shrug.

"You look really pretty tonight.." He changes the subject as he tucks the strand of hair behind my ear. He moves his face closer to mine but I put my hand on his chest, stopping him.

"I thought we're supposed to save the mushy gushy stuff for the second date." I tease, even though I really wanted him to kiss me.

"This isn't mushy gushy." He says in a low voice, moving his face even closer.

"Oh? Tell me how."

"Let me think on it.." He trails off as he closes the space between us and presses his lips against mine. Shivers shoot down my spine and a warming sensation begins in my stomach.

"Fine by me." I mumble, before kissing him back.


"I have a confession!" I nearly shout. Ashton and I were confessing random things to each other as we walked home from the dock. It gave us something to do instead of walking home in an awkward silence.

"Tell me."

"I pulled this shirt out of my dirty clothes pile." I groan, leaning into him as we walked.

"Oh, so that's what I smelled." He laughs.

"Hey!" I pull my hand away from his and punch him in the arm.

"Ow! I was kidding Jor. Come back." He whines as he pulls me back to him. "By the way, you smell wonderful."

"Your turn again." I say as Ashton slips his arm over my shoulder and I wrap mine around his waist.

"You're a great kisser." He says bluntly as we walk up my front porch.

"Wow, funny." I respond, rolling my eyes.

"I wasn't being funny, I was being serious." He says slowly as he rests his forehead against mine, our eyes locking. Just as he's about to kiss me for the second time tonight the door opens and we instantly separate. Ashton practically jumped to the other side of the porch due to the fact that my dad scares the crap out of him.

"Goodnight Ashton." My dad says nonchalantly like he wasn't just watching us from the window.

"Goodnight sir." Ashton responds as he stands up straight.

"Thanks As-" I start as my dad pulls me inside and closes the door.

"How was your date sweetie?" My mom asks from the couch.

"Great until dad ruined it." I scoff as I begin to walk upstairs. "How was yours?"

"Good, we caught up on all the new Castle episodes." My mom replies, pulling a blanket closer to her face.

I pull my phone out and continue up the stairs.

To: Ashy<3

1) my parents did not "get it on" u idiot.

2) u owe me a kiss

Within seconds I received his reply.

From: Ashy<3

Whatever u say sherlock, and I'm taking that as u want to go out again?;)

Warm fuzzies gathered in my stomach as I realized that Ashton Irwin is finally mine.



Okay so I announced earlier this week that I am going to be writing another fanfic this summer. I have two ideas, one for an Ash fic and the other for a Luke fic.

PLEASE vote below for which one you'd like in the summer. (I'm not going to give descriptions because you're eventually going to get both stories. I just don't know which one to write first.) THANKS!:-)

I suck at updating, I'm so sorry. School is so stressful but it's almost over thank the Lord.

Let me know what you think!


Thanks for reading!

Much love,


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