Chapter 25: Déjà Vu

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Today is Thursday. Ash is scheduled to leave in two days and tomorrow is Friday, the winter dance. I'm not even going to attend due to Ashton turning me down. I'm still embarrassed about him saying no. Things just haven't been the same between the two of us recently. It's been more awkward.

The last bell rang and students shot out of their seats. I slowly gathered my stuff and made my way out the door. I wasn't in a rush to get home so I just idly walked down the hallway, zoning in and out. Every conversation was about tomorrow's dance and it just made me even more upset.

All I wanted was one final, special night before Ashton and the boys headed back to Australia for a couple months. Sure, school dances weren't my thing but I did hear that LA Prep had great dances.

I was awoken from my thoughts from my cellphone ringing in my pocket.

I didn't bother to check Caller I.D. and lifted it to my ear.

"Hello?" I sighed loudly into the phone.

"Jor, we need you down at the studio. come quick it's an emergency!" Ashton's voice filled my ear. He sounded so out of breath and he hung up right away.

What was happening?

I quickly shoved the books that were in my arms into my backpack and sprinted down the hall and out the door. I pulled my keys out of the front pocket of my backpack and unlocked my car. A couple weeks earlier I'd broken down and got my license. It honestly made life so much easier.

I drove ten to fifteen over the speed limit the whole way there and got there under fifteen minutes. I scrawled my name on the sign in sheet and sprinted up the stairs, three at a time. By the time I made it to the floor that the studio was on I was sweaty and out of breath.

I pulled open the door to the floor and noticed that all the lights were off. I pawed around on the walls trying to find the switch.

"Hello?" I called as I flipped the switch on, illuminating the whole floor. "Anyone there..?" I asked, taking a few steps forward.

I walked briskly to the studio because this felt like a scene from a horror movie. Just as I rounded the corner I ran into someone, and let me tell you, it fell like running into a brick wall.

I let out a shriek as I collided with the mystery person.

"Jordyn!" Ashton's familiar voice says. He grabbed my wrists to keep me balanced.

"I feel like I just had a heart attack." I choke, gulping for air.

"I'm sorry baby." He smiles, wrapping his arms around my shaking body. I almost stop breathing again at his use of the word "baby."

"I-it's okay." I stutter. I loosen up and lightly wrap my arms around his waist. "What's the emergency?"

"Do you know where we are?" He asks, totally ignoring my question. I pull back and look up at him, he had a playful look in his eyes.

"Capitol Records?"

"Yes, but no." He smiles at me, nodding for me to try again.

"The studio." I mutter.

"No! Jor, come on! I had this whole plan of trying to be all romantic and shit and you're ruining it."

"Well I'm sorry." I scoff as he pulls away.

"Jordyn, this is where we first met." He breathes.

And here's where déjà vu hits like a fricking freight train.

"Oh my goodness Ashton.." I say, I'm shocked that he remembered.

"Yeah, and there's something I want to ask you.." He says slowly as he gets down on one knee.

"Ashton Fletcher Irwin I swear if-"

"Shh!" He presses a finger to his lips and grabs my hand in his. He runs his thumb over the back of mine as he speaks, "I know I kind of blew you off on Sunday and I'm so sorry. I was acting like such a dick and I can't tell you how sorry I am. I kinda wanted to, like I said earlier, be all romantic and shit, so I recreated the moment we met. Except I'm not on top of you right now and I look like I'm about to ask you to marry me-"

I giggle at his rambling, he's so cute. His face is lit up in a smile and his eyes have never left mine.

"Jordyn Achsa Ellis, you mean the world to me and would you do me the honor of letting me escort you to Snowcoming or whatever the hell the dance is called?" He giggles at the end causing me to laugh through tears that were now forming.

"Aw, baby, are you crying? Shit, I knew I shouldn't have done that.." He immediately stood up and placed his hands on my cheeks.

"N-no, I'm glad you did that." I smile up at him. "I would l-love to go to the dance with you."

Curse my emotions, I bet look like an idiot right now.

"Oh, and stop calling me baby, it makes me nervous." I laugh lightly, resting my hands on his chest.

"I don't think I can do that," his voice is low, "baby." He dips his head and presses his warm, soft lips to mine.




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