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"Jordyn," Ashton muttered, I could sense his presence in the doorway behind me. I sighed as I moved over, giving him some room to sit down next to me.

"The boys are upstairs playing some Fifa, we have some time to talk." He informed me as he looked off into the distance.

"We had to send rough cuts of our documentaries in before break," I began. I ran my fingers through my hair as I looked up at the Australian night sky.

"Miss Jermaine emailed me and said that she's going to enter my final copy into a scholarship competition for the New York Film Academy with my permission." I looked over at Ashton who was looking at the ground with a smirk on his face.

"She must've really liked it." He laughed as he tousled his light brown curls. He sat up and his eyes met with mine.

"Jor, that's an amazing opportunity, why are you bugging out about this?" He asked as he placed a warm hand on my thigh.

I took a deep breath and leaned into him, placing my hand on top of his and intertwining our fingers. Everything was just happening so fast. In about five months I'd graduate and in eight I'll be away at some college. This wasn't supposed to be happening. Cameron and Alice were supposed to be here, I was supposed to still live in Michigan. I was supposed to be graduating with Alice, this was supposed to be our year, but everything is so different now.

"My brother Cameron, told me to never give up. He said I was going to be the best filmmaker in the business one day. What if I let him down?" Tears pricked at my eyes. I adored my brother, he was my best friend.

"Jordyn, you couldn't let Cameron down even if you tried." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close as he continued to speak.

"You have so much talent Jor. You know, he would be so proud of you right now. He would tell you to take the opportunity for the film scholarship thing. I don't even have to know him to know what he'd say. I know you Jordyn and I know for a fact that you would never let him down." He mused in my ear. By this time the tears were falling down my face.

"I just feel like I'm going to be a failure, Ash." I sighed, pulling myself out of his warm embrace.

"Hey, hey, no." He placed his hand under my chin forcing me to look at him.

"You will never be a failure. You have an amazing support system that will always be there for you. Your mom, your dad, Terrance, Eves, the boys and-and you always have me." His hands moved to either side of my head and he pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"I'm here for you, forever and always." I smiled at his cheesy phrase that he'd always tell me.

"What would I do without you?" I asked, laughing as I wiped the tears that stained my cheeks.

"You'd probably be alone and fending for yourself in the rugged Australian wilderness," he giggled.

I rolled my eyes at him and upturned the sides of my lips.

"I think I'd like to cash in my 'I'll do anything you want me to, Jordyn' card now." I laughed as I tugged on his tshirt.

"Oh and what would you like me to do for you, Miss Ellis?" He asked as a slight smirked played on his face.

"Oh, I think you know Mr. Irwin."

i actually really liked this chapter and i hope you did too. these are actually all my thoughts towards the future bc i graduate in less than five months and i move away to college in like 7 1/2 and i won't even be 18 when i start college. sooooooo yeah lot's of stuff is happening and i'm afraid i'm gonna be a screw up. well, anyways, enough of my boring life, thank you for reading! xo, j

love you all<3

p.s. they went from cute to horny in like .01737804 seconds lol

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