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I blinked a couple times trying to adjust my eyes to the pitch black darkness of Ashton's room. I rolled over to check the time, seeing that it was 5:13 a.m.

Dammit jetlag.

I let out a long, exasperated sigh as I rolled back over and stared at my cute bedmate's face. Ashton's nose twitched as I reached out to lightly poke it. His eyes were squeezed shut and his bare chest rose and fell with each steady breath he took. His messy curls were dangling in front of his face as he slept.

"Ashton," I whispered. His chest continued to rise and fall as he breathed. He didn't hear me.

"Ashton!" I whispered again, this time more harshly. I poked him in the forehead.

He grunted and rolled over so his back was facing me.

"Go back to sleep Jordyn." He mumbled. I frowned, I didn't want to be annoying but I had a really cute idea for a date. Yes, it did have to happen at five in the morning. I tried to think of something that would get his attention. I smirked to myself as an idea popped into my head.

"Ashton," I poked him again.

"No Jordyn."

"Let's have sex." I stifled back a giggle as the words left my mouth.

"Stop teasing Jordyn," He grumbled, his words were hard to understand because his sleep voice was very deep and his accent was even thicker.

"Who said I was teasing?" I asked as I crawled on top of him so I was straddling him. He didn't respond, he just grunted again.

"I could be taking my shirt off right now." I teased. I actually did slip my tank top over my head and reached over to grab one of Ashton's long sleeved shirts. I pulled it over my head and switched on his bedside lamp .

"Oh God, Jordyn!" He attempted to pull the covers over his head but he failed because I was still on top of him and the comforter.

"Guess you gotta wake up now," I sang. He opened his eyes and immediately shut them. 

"I literally hate you."

"If you really hated me, you wouldn't let me share the same bed with you." I said, poking his shoulder.

He opened his eyes again, this time keeping them open. He looked over at me and sent me a death glare, not hesitating to flip me off.

I shrugged as I got off of him. 

"Come on Ashy Fletcher!" I said as I tugged on his arm.

"Are you kidding me?" He groaned as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Grab a blanket," I replied as I started to leave his room, "oh, and I did actually take my shirt off."

I  giggled when I heard him whisper "dammit" as I left the room.


"Why are we out here?" Ashton asked. We were wrapped up in a blanket, leaning up against the fence in his bakcyard.

"Because the sun's going to rise and I wanted to watch it with my favorite person in the whole wide world." I answered shyly. A strand of hair fell in my face and I brushed it away quickly.

"That's so cute, sorry I was such an asshole to you back there." He shifted so he could place his arm around me. I took the opportunity to lean into him.

"You're my asshole." I responded with a smile on my face.

"What?" He questioned. He was laughing so hard that he started hicupping.

"No no! I didn't mean it like that!" I buried my face in my hands and I could feel the blush creep it's way up onto my cheeks.

"I know what you meant," he said quietly as he pressed a kiss to my temple.

We fell into a comfortable silence as the sky started to lightly fade into orange.

"How many children do you want when you're older?" He asked out of nowhere. I looked over at him and he locked eyes with me.

"An even number," I responded.

"An even number?"

"Yeah, so then there's even teams for when you do nerf gun wars." I laughed lightly.

"Oh God, don't even bring it up," Ashton laughed back as he referenced the previous day. I simply shrugged and smiled.

"I don't mean to jump the gun or anything but I hope I'm the guy you choose to have your weird, even numbered amount of children with," He added as he looked up into the sky. My heart skipped a beat as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I wouldn't want to have my weird, even numbered abount of children with anyone but you, Ashy Fletcher," I giggled as I bit my lip.

"Shut up Jordy Achsa," He retorted. I could imagine him rolling his eyes at me as he said this.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

And with that we fell into silence again and watched as the sun started to wake Australia up.

Author's Note:

Since this story reached 50K I'd like to start off by giving a shoutout to all my pears. Just kidding. I really really want to thank all of you for reading this because without all of you this story would have zero reads. You all stick with me even though I suck at regular updates. You all are honestly the best and I'm so blessed to have each and every one of you. This chapter is dedicated to all of you. <3

Side note: The reason I haven't updated is because I decided to change the ending of this story and I don't really know how to get there. I'm still keeping the main thingy that's coming up in a few chapters but after that I'm really unsure. I'm just gonna wing it and hope it comes out okay. FINGERS CROSSED LOL.

Thank you all so much! <3 jenna

p.s. read my new ash fic 'gone' if you haven't already. thanks!!

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