Chapter 6: Definitely Not a Psychopathic Teenage Girl

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Seven minutes late.

He can never be on time can he?

I was standing in the middle of the coffee shop that we were supposed to meet at.

There weren't many people here. Just a man in a suit chatting on his cellphone and a group of teenage girls.

"I'm gonna m-"

"BOO!" A voice says in my ear.

"MURDER YOU!" I finish, turning around to face Ashton.

"Hello to you too." He scoffs.

"You're late." I respond tapping my foot.

"Blame that on your mother, she wouldn't let me go."

I roll my eyes.

"Hi what can I get you?" The barista asks from behind the counter.


I didn't even know that we were standing in line.

"I'll have a tall chocolate frappachino." Ashton says.

"And you?" The tall brunette girl asks.

"Uhh. Umm."

I am not educated in this coffee stuff.

Ashton looks at me, recognition registering in his eyes.

"Make that two." He tells the girl.

"Alright, can I have names?"

"Ashton and Jordyn." He says, responding for me.

"That'll be $7.68."

Well damn. That's expensive for stupid coffee.

Ashton digs in his pocket and pull out a ten dollar bill.

"Here you go." He says, handing it to her.

I reach into my bag to grab my money to pay him back.

"Don't worry about it." He replies.

"No, I'm gonna pay you back." I say rummaging through my bag.

"Jordyn, it's not a big deal."

"Yes it is."



"Jordyn, stop." He grabs my hands and pulls them out of my bag.

"I'm gonna stab you in the neck with a fork. Just let me pay for goodness sakes."

"Just buy the next time. Dammit Jordyn. You're so stubborn." He shakes his head.

"Thanks." We say in unison as the girl hands us our over-priced coffee.

We both take sips of our cold, chocolatey drinks.

"How is it?" He asks me as we sit down at a corner booth.

"Actually it's really good." I say taking another sip of it.

I pull my camera out of my bag and set it up on the table.

"Okay, tell me who you are." I say after pressing record.

"Definitely not a psychopathic teenage girl that wants to murder everyone she meets." He says trying to keep a straight face.

"Very funny. Tell me about your family." I reply, rolling my eyes.

"I have two siblings, both younger. Their names are Harry and Lauren. I have the greatest mum ever. I just really love my family." He says, a smile lighting up his face.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see the group of girls pointing our way and whispering to each other.

"What about your dad?" I ask.

His brows furrow and his bright smile turns into a frown.

"I don't wa-"

"Hi, Ashton right?" One of the teenage girls says, cutting him off in the middle if his sentence."


"You're in that band that opened for One Direction right? 4 Seconds of Summer."

4 Seconds of Summer?

Who the hell does she think she is?

"It's actually 5 Seconds of Summer." He smiles.

"Oops, I'm sorry." She giggles, twirling her blonde hair around her finger.

"So can we get a picture with you?" A shorter girl with curly black hair asks.

"Yeah of course." He smiles.

He's a gem.

Dang it.

Why did I just think that?

I mentally facepalm myself before returning back to the conversation.

"We're like your biggest fans." A shorter blonde girl with big, blue eyes piped in.

Ashton stood up and gathered around the girls.

"Yeah, if you were their biggest fans you would actually know their name." I muttered under my breath.

They're so unbelievable.

"Excuse me?" The first blonde asked, narrowing her eyes at me.

"Nothing." I said standing up, shoving my camera into my bag and grabbing my drink.

"Jordyn." Ashton pleads.

"Just get my number from my mom and text me okay." I respond as I walk out with my bag slung over my shoulders.

I'm not mad at him for meeting fans.

I'm totally fine with that.

It's just that those girls seemed like they were just using him for his fame..

And that hurt me.




Wow okay, I'm like two days late. I'm so sorry. I've been really busy and bleh.

I hope everyone had a great New Year's!

Here's to a year full of 5SOS!

I love feedback! Feel free to comment below or tweet me @hemmaniac or find me on Instagram @hxmmo96.

Thanks for reading!

I love you guys!

Love, Jenna

(I hope to have the next chapter up by Sunday or Monday.)

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