Chapter 29

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My eyes fluttered open as the sun's rays started to poke through my window. I stretched my arms and legs before crawling out of bed.

"Merry Christmas, Sweetie." My mom smiled as I walked down the stairs rubbing my eyes.

"What time is it?" I groaned as I collapsed next to my dad on the couch.

"About seven." My dad responded as he took a sip of his coffee and ruffled my already messy hair. I groaned again into a nearby pillow. It was way to early to be awake.

"Do you wanna open presents?" My mom asked as she sat on the floor next to the Christmas tree, an eager smile plastered on her face.

"You seem more excited then me and I'm the kid." I laughed lightly as I moved next to her on the floor.

"NOT AS EXCITED AS ME!" My dad yelled suddenly as he jumped off the couch, almost spilling his coffee in my lap.

"I remember you and Cameron always tried to get up as early as possible so you could open your presents. Didn't you try and wake us up at three once?" My mom asked as her eager smile was replaced with teary eyes and a sad smile.

I nodded as I gave her a side hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Those were the good times." I sighed as my whole family grew silent. This was the second Christmas that we've celebrated without Cameron (and Alice). Last year it was just my mom and I and it was the saddest and loneliest Christmas ever.

"Let's not be sad, today is Christmas, Jesus was born!" My dad exclaimed as he reached under the tree for a couple presents.

"Can I open this first?" I asked him as I waved a small, flat box in front of me. My mom and dad gave each other a look and my mom grabbed it out of my fingers.

"Open it last." She said as she tucked it away behind her.

I grumbled incoherent words on "how it didn't really matter" and "it was just a present, why did the order matter."

The first box I opened had a new, floral bathing suit in it.

"Um mom?" I asked, a puzzled look on my face.

"What Jor?"

"It's December.. Shouldn't I get sweaters instead of swimsuits?"

"This isn't Michigan silly!" She said in high pitched voice as she lightly shoved me.

Something was up.

"Johnathan!" My mom gasped next to me. In her hands was a diamond heart necklace that had our last name written in cursive on it. "It's beautiful!"

She leaned over me and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him long and hard.

"Okay, did we forget that there's a child in the room?" I mumbled as I shielded my eyes.

"Like you and Ashton haven't done this before." My mom said as she momentarily broke away.

My dad stopped kissing her and looked at me.

"You better not be." He said all gruff and macho.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him away, him laughing as I did so.

"Have you talked to Ashton lately?" My mom asked as she sat back down and reached for the small box that she had taken from me earlier.

"Last night." My whole parents kissing didn't gross me out like I pretended it did. I knew they were in love and they'd been apart for two years so I wasn't going to tell them they couldn't make out in front of me. Sure, it was a little weird but I was blessed that they still had so much love for each other. I just felt alone this Christmas. All this love and affection was in the air and my better half was on the opposite side of the world. It just made me feel depressed inside.

"You look unhappy, should we let you open this?" My mom asked as she waved the box in front of my eyes.

"..Yes?" I answered as I took the box from her hands and ripped off the wrapping paper. I slowly opened the box and almost stopped breathing at what I saw.

One plane ticket to Australia.

"No." I said simply as I pushed it away from me and into my dad's hands. I couldn't let them do this, I knew how much a round trip ticket to Australia cost, I'd googled it many times.

"What? Don't you want to see Ashton?" My dad asked as he tried giving me the ticket back.

"I can't let you pay for this." I mumbled as a few tears fell from my eyes.

"We bought this before you and Ashton were dating, it was so you could finish your documentary. We're financially sound for now, we want you to go." My mom reassured me as she took the ticket from my dad and placed it in my hands.

"Everything is worked out, you'll be staying with the Irwin's, your plane leaves in two days. Oh, and I swear if you two sleep in the same bed I will personally fly to Australia and sleep between you." He threatened as a big smile grew on his face. I smiled back and hugged both of my parents, thanking them.

"Can I go skype Ashton now?" I asked as I grabbed his unopened present to me and my ticket.

"What about your other presents?"

"I'll open them later." I responded as I stood up.

"Okay, don't tell Ashton about you coming. His mom wants it to be a surprise." My mom warned as I left the room.

I was still unsure about this expensive gift that I was blessed with but I wore a smile on my face because I knew I would cherish every moment of it.


I haven't read through this yet, oopsie. Study hall is almost over and I told you I would post the next chapter, so HERE IT IS! :-) I hope you enjoy it, thank you for 34K!

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