Chapter 11: Who the Hell Crapped In Your Cornflakes?

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"Thanks Terrance!" I yell back as I open the door to the building.

Terrance is a driver for Capitol Records. My mom has him pick me up from school since she can't make it due to work and I don't have my license.

What's really weird is that he looks similar to that T-Bo character from iCarly.

I'm pretty sure T-Bo's real name was Terrance too.

This is some freaky stuff.

I sign my name as fast as I can on the sign-in sheet and race up the stairs.

I only trip twice and almost face plant once.

I approach the recording room and the light is off.

My cue to enter.

"Hi guys!" I yell bursting through the door.

"You're in a good mood." Luke chuckles from the sofa, a bottle of water in his hand.

"I think this is the first time I haven't seen her cranky." Mike mumbles.

"Funny Mike." I roll my eyes at him.

"Yeah, why are you so happy?" My mom asks from her chair.

"Okay well," a smile lights up my face, "this really really cute boy from school, Alex, asked me out."

Luke chokes on the water he just swallowed.

My mom squeals and Mike and Calum exchange glances.

"Can I look through his search history?" Calum laughs.

I laugh and shake my head in response.


Where's Ashton?

"Do you like him?" His voice suddenly asks as if he read my mind.

I turn around to face him.

He was leaning against the doorframe, a banana in his left hand.

This band is obsessed with bananas for some odd reason.

I really don't get it

"Well duh, I said yes didn't I?"

"I don't know, did you?" His eyes narrow, it's like he's..challenging me, daring me to say more.

Why does he always have to be so difficult?

"Of course I said yes."

"Okay then." He mumbles, brushing past me. He plops down on the couch next to the other three boys.

"Who the hell crapped in your Cornflakes?" I cross my arms across my chest, I'm beyond pissed now.

"What does that even mean?"

"Jordyn." I hear my mom say.

"Why can't you be happy for me?"

"Jordy-" He starts.

"Don't even. I'm sorry I even shared." I cut him off.

For some reason I thought he'd be happy for me.

I guess I was wrong.




I'm really late. I didn't really know how to write this chapter but HEY! I finished it and I hope you enjoyed it.

My next update will either be mid-week this week or next Sunday. I have the ACT on Saturday so I'm not sure when I'll have time.

Ugh wish me luck please!

The next chapter is part 1 of the #jalex date!(;

Thanks for putting up with my lateness and thanks for reading!

Love, Jenna

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