So, every time I finished this story, I'd come back to edit it, and it would delete it selfi I don't know how but it pissed me off. So here I go again for the THIRD time. (-__-) third time?s a charm, right? Any ways enjoy.
"Greenland!" Veneziano called out to me as me, Lovi, Alfred, and Ludwig made our way out of America's truck to the entrance of the petting zoo. "I can't wait, isn't this exciting!" He asked giving a huge smile. "Course it is!" Everything is so amazing, and pretty, and cute, and-" I was cut off by Lovi. "And it smells like shit everywhere too." I smiled as he grabbed my hand. "Don't be a downer, this can be fun. I mean, not everything has to bad for you, right?" He sighed. "Guess not." I smiled. "Course not." "Anyways, Vene I really wanna see the goats! I heard they were so cute!" He smiled wider than normally. "Si, they are! But I wanna see the little horses." I smiled wider. "Good choice what about you guys?" I said referring to Alfred, Ludwig, and Lovi. "Dude, I wanna see the Cows!" I laughed. "Why, cause cows are your favorite thing to eat?" He looked at me confused. "What are you talking about, I love burgers. "Yeah, burgers are made of beef which are made of cows." I said smiling. "That's not what me boss said." He said seriously. My (e/c) eyes grew big fast as I pulled Lovi over so I could puke. What WERE they made of????(no, seriously what are they made of?)
After my incident was done, we went in pointing and smiling at all the animals. Lovino eventually brightened up as the day went by, but then we found the CUTEST ANIMALS EVER. "OH MY GOD LOOK AT THEM. THEY'RE SO SMALL AND PINK AND CUTE!" I yelled. "BACON!!!!" Alfred said in response. I smiled. Petting the cute pigs. Lovi smiled at my toddler-ism. And joined me.
We were having so much fun with the pigs when I saw a sign for the smallest of the pigs.'Buy now,$150 dollars, too weak needs home.' I smiled brightly at Lovino. "Baby, can we get the pig?' I asked pointing to it. "What?! What are we gonna do with a pig?" I shrugged. "I don't know, we could take care do him like Wilbur in Charlotte's Web." I said briskly. He sighed, knowing I wouldn't give up until I got the pig. "___, you're lucky I love you." He said in defeat. I smiled. "I Love you too."
He sighed walking over to the petting zoo attendant giving her the money. I smiled hugging him. "Thank you SO much, Babe!" I said kissing him as he handed me the pig. ''What do you want to name him?" He said blushing while smiling. "Wilbur! Of course!" I said. He chuckled as he kissed me once more, holding Wilbur in his arms.
Short but cute I guess. I hope you liked this one, and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!!! Have fun with your mom!!!:)