Aesthetic Fashion

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((I hope you enjoy the chapter! Don't worry... We'll get to the octachel soon lol.))

I rushed all the way to Hunter's dorm, which practically everyone knew the location of and got to his door huffing and puffing. I bit my tongue to hold back curses I knew would spill out. I was panting and my cheeks were undoubtedly glowing red and I felt my forehead was slick with a layer of glistening sweat.

I paced outside his door, hearing loud music playing in the inside. I didn't recognize the artist's voice or the song but I immediately liked it. It was calming and despite it's seemingly erotic lyrics it was still pleasant. Soon, I had calmed down and wiped my face off with the back of my hand successfully without smearing my makeup which was always a struggle.

I brought my knuckles to the door to knock and after a few seconds no one had opened it. I could feel my heart beating in my chest, hoping I hadn't been tricked. I rapped on the wooden door one more time and the music turned down a bit.

"Who is it?!" Someone called from inside and then someone's simply beautiful brown eyes were staring into mine.

"Oh, come on, guys. Don't tell me it's another chick you invited over, " a deep voice I didn't recognized whined, sounding utterly through with his roommates.

The boy opened the door and the first thing I noticed were his clothes.

Oh my God, he's my aesthetic... He wore a semi-tight fitting white baseball shirt with black sleeves and a black grid. Tumblr aesthetic, I noted. Next my eyes wandered down to his pants. Loose black sweat pants with a dark band on the top and where they stopped (his ankles). He wore spotless black and white Adidas which made me almost nod in approval.

Without me noticing, he was staring down at me with a smirk. "Can I help you, ma'am?" He asked, kindly despite my rude staring.

I stopped my weird smiling and looked back up at him with a gulp. For once, there was someone who actually towered over me. I was quite tall for a girl and certainly towered over the rest of the girls in our school, but this boy seemed gigantic.

"S-sorry... I'm here to see Hunter. Sorry I just really, really, like your clothes, " I stuttered in embarrassment. When I looked into his beautiful chocolate eyes again my nerves melted away. He seemed warm and kind even without speaking and gave me a safe feeling which automatically gave me a boost of confidence.

He nodded and stepped aside, letting me pass. Only then did I notice the smoke that lingered in the room. Puffs of it were almost everywhere. The smell was unexpectedly nice though. Like... hm... vanilla.

I looked around, noticing all the trophies and plaques on the walls. Football, baseball, basketball... This was a talented dorm. I also took note of the many posters on the wall and almost snorted at the one of Kate Upton. (Boys would be boys.)

"Babe," someone called and my head snapped to them. Hunter flashed me lazy smirk and waved me over to him. I followed and then stood in front of him, thankful for the guy at the door calming my nerves.

I examined his clothes as well. He put noticeably less effort than the other boy but he was okay. "Sup, Hunter?" I said with a smile.

He stood up and held out a black stick to me. "Wanna vape? They'll smell weed or cigarettes so this is the best we've got," He said with a shrug.

"You d-- you do drugs?" I asked, kind of shocked. I knew I didn't really know Hunter and barely anyone knew what he did behind closed door so I had the right to be surprised.

He sighed and slung his arm around my shoulder. "It's just weed, mom, I promise. All natural," he said and snorted a bit. I laughed, albeit it was a little forced, and nodded, leaning my head on his arm.

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