Concerning The Lack of Octachel; Not A Chapter

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Disclaimer: This is not to alienate, offend, or belittle any of my readers. I love each and every one of you and would kiss you on the tip of your nose if I saw you. I just wanted to sure you guys up on some things.



I'm updating in the next hours after I work out. ;)

However, before I update. I have noticed that a select few of my readers are feeling a certain lack of Octachel. Well, fear not, little readers, Octavian and his broken nose always lurk nearby.

But also, I would like you to know that relationships don't just pop outta ya ass, bro. You don't immediately fuck the guy that acts like a rat just 'cause he's got some pretty eyes. That's not how it works. No matter how much Rachel's teenage hormones are raging, Rachel Dare is not a ditzy horny idiot and she has enough dignity not to immediately ride the dick of the guy who's been a complete ass to her for the past 2 YEARS. I will not surrender to the stereotypical "love at first sight even though he poured a glass of cheap booze on me" trope.

Also, this fic is about Octachel but like any romance story should be, it's also about self-exploration and development. Rachel naturally will like other people. Rachel is not a nun. Rachel does not have a shrine dedicated to Octavian and his 98 pounds of raw angst.

It takes a lot to fall in love. Especially when you've been pressured into a sexual situation and the main romantic interest of the story just made it worse for you.

TMLSS; Patience, young grasshopper. The OTP is on its way.

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