Gorilla Strength

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" PIPER! " I squealed as I slammed the door close in my excitement.

Annabeth looked up from her sandwich, " She went to Pizza Hut with the guys and Hazel but what did you need to tell her? "

I quickly took out my phone and texted her.

Me: OMG! Hunter invited me to his dorm!

Piper: Srsly?!?

Me: YES!!!!

I looked back up at Annabeth, " Guess who asked me to meet up with him at his dorm tonight! "

A huge grin came to her face and she stood, grabbing both of my arms. "Who?!" She asked excitably.

I took a deep breath, trying to conceal my excitement but failed and let out a childish squeal. Too bad I didn't care. "HUNTER!!! HUNTER WANTS ME TO COME TO HIS DORM LATER!! AaaaaASAAHHHHH!??"

Annabeth's grin quickly turned into a frown. She bit her lip and her hands which were clutching onto my arms with excitement before now found their way to my palms, which she massaged comfortingly with her thumbs. "Rachel... Hunter West? You can't go there... Especially not at night, " she said, sadly.

I pulled my hands away angrily and felt my freckled cheeks turn redder than they were naturally. "What do you mean...? Of course, I'm going," I nervously chuckled.

Annabeth cheeks puffed out as she shook her head in disappointment. "You're stubborn, Rachel. Usually it's an endearing trait but not now. You have to listen to me, okay?" She plopped back down on the sofa and sat Indian style and patted the spot next to her.

I glared at her, frustrated. "Annabeth, you aren't being fair! Look, I know you have Percy and he's all you think about but guess what? This is my life. And to be perfectly honest, I'm getting sick and tired of you commanding and bossing me around! You don't even let me eat my breakfast!" I yelled, smacking my hand against my thigh in anger. Her mouth was agape as she stared at me in confusion, then equal frustration.

"Don't be an ass, Rachel! You're a smart girl; so, think about it. Do you know who Hunter's roommates are? Don't you remember little Julie who went in there and came out crying and then completely changed her sexuality the next week!?" She yanked my wrist, dragging me down onto the couch with her weird gorilla strength. Well-- maybe it wasn't "gorilla strength" but Annabeth was extremely fit from that fencing class she took with Percy and Jason.

"Oomph!" I huffed audibly when I fell onto her. I sat up quickly, blowing strands of hair out of my face and recomposed myself. "Well, you know what, Annie-dear?" I started with venom in my words. "I'm going. And you can't stop me!"

Annabeth face palmed then put her hands up in surrender. "Okay... Okay fine. Don't come crying to me when they gang bang you."

I rolled my eyes and stormed off to my corner of the room to get ready. Awkwardly enough, I realized my bras were all missing. Dam... I thought. I left them in the washing machine. There was no way they would be dry enough to wear now.

"A... Annabeth? Can you let me borrow a bra?" I asked, avoiding looking at her face.

She hummed one directly at my chest and I held back a scowl. "Real mature, Annie," I sneered sarcastically.

I searched frantically through my drawers and our large shared closet for the perfect outfit. I settled for a comic book designed crop top which showed off my tan and freckled midriff and some high waisted ripped shorts. I quickly slipped on a pair of black sandals and pulled my hair back into an updo. I walked over to the full length mirror in the middle of the room and gave myself a once over.

My vibrant green eyes stared back at me judgingly. I clicked my tongue a few times in thought, thinking of what could possibly be missing...

I could hear Annabeth sigh and shift something around. In the next moment she was staring at me through my reflection in the mirror as well. "Maybe a little makeup. Some lipstick and some light contouring. "

Despite her messy buns, ponytails, flawed yet naturally radiant face, and her somewhat tomboyish style, Annabeth was way into fashion. Which meant she definitely respected makeup and after Piper was the best at applying it.

I nodded and took the makeup kit from her. I was still angry and I didn't feel like staring in her face for fifteen minutes at least for her to put make up on me so I would do it myself.

I walked to the bathroom and sat down on the sink which creaked threateningly. "Okayyyy..." I whispered nervously and quickly got down. Taking out what I needed from the makeup kit, I smiled. I was an artist but never had I focused so much on making art on my own face.

About half an hour later, I was satisfied with my look. I applied the orangish lipgloss as a finishing touch and added orangish red eyeliner to make it pop. I loved bright colors after all. I could only hope Hunter would appreciate my efforts.

I gathered my stuff, including my sketchbook and prismacolor pencils and my keys, in my button and paint covered bag and slung it over my shoulder. I looked at the time on my phone before quickly stuffing it in my bag. "Oh crap, I'm late! Tell Piper I actually put on makeup for once and put effort into my outfit for me please!" I yelled and quickly ran out of the room and down the dorm halls, all the way across campus, praying my poor sandals won't give up on me.


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