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Reyna's P.O.V.
(Okay so I was reading this and saw I changed from first person to third oops sorry)

This school was nuts to put it simply. Just one day here and I had seen more than I'd ever seen at my old school... Jupiter College Prep was as uneventful as a senior citizen home.

First, I was almost attacked by some weird Latino boy. Second, I saw two boys making out in the corner of the cafeteria; one of which used to attend JCP with me. That was strange... He seemed straighter than a steel pole when I knew him...

And then I saw a ginger crying and writhing in the hallway as I was getting some water. And now I was listening to the intercom discuss how bad drinking and driving was and how it caused two students here to be put into extensive care. I felt almost no pity for the two though; they should've known better. It was pretty shameful... It was like they had no common sense.

Despite all of the craziness going on, I'd even been developing a strange... Crush. The last crush I had was at JCP on the same boy who was snogging on that emo kid. And to make it weirder, this "crush" was on a girl.

Someone's small gasp shook her from her thoughts and she turned around to see who did it. Hannah Moore dropped the small compact mirror she was holding and covered her mouth with her hand. "What did I miss...?" I whispered to myself.

Hannah's eyes seemed bloodshot although from what I've seen and heard about that girl it could've just been because she was smoking... And she wasn't smoking regular old cigarettes either. "Oh God, no... Not Pipes..." She whispered after she moved her hand away. She grabbed her books and ran off, not even caring to mention to the teacher who was currently listening to Mozart and reading during the announcements that she was leaving.

Against my better judgement, I followed her into the halls. She seemed to be gesturing for other people in their classes to come out but I wasn't sure who. I assumed that she was getting her group of friends.

Soon, I found my assumption was right. I stood behind the large marble statue of the school mascot: a wolf with the tail of a lion and wings. It reminded me of something that would be advertised on a cobobble commercial for Lunchables.

A group of familiar faces stood across the hall in silence. The mood seemed somber and grim... Most held their heads down and two were sniffling and kind of pacing like you do when you hear bad news. Well, more accurately like if you watched someone's reaction to their team missing a wide open touch down in slow motion.

I looked on curiously and then leaned forward, away from the statue a bit to get a better view but immediately regretted it.  My purple JCP windbreaker caught on the pedestal of the statue and made a sound like... Well, a purple JCP windbreaker ripping on a marble statue.

I gasped silently and put my hands over my mouth. Goddamn it, Reyna! Where are your skills when you actually need them?!? I mentally scolded myself as the group in the hall walked towards me. I tried, keyword tried, to power walk away nonchalantly but one of them called for me.

"Hey... You're the new girl, right? Do you have a license? And a car?" Jason asked. I didn't have to turn around to know it was him... I knew that voice anywhere.

I spun on my heel and faced them, straightening my posture. Shoulders back, back straight. The least I could do to recover from that embarrassing moment was to act like I wasn't embarrassed at all. "Yes. How can I help you?" I asked in response.

Jason squinted suspiciously at me, like how you might look at someone a few yards away that looks like an old friend and frankly, that made me angry. Jason and I went through thick and thin at the damn school and now... Now, it was like he couldn't bother to put too much thought into who I was. I wanted to smack him; maybe knock some memories loose, but I showed restraint.

"Well, we'd like to go see our friends at the hospital but none of us have cars, really. So could you help us please? Give us a ride... Rey... Reynold... Reyna!" He snapped his fingers and smiled proudly.

God, he was really testing my aforementioned "restraint". "Yeah. It's Reyna. And sure. What hospital? I'm new around here..." I said and reached into my pockets for my keys.

"Here. GPS," the boy who tried to sit next to her yesterday said and handed her his phone. His change in demeanor was slightly frightening... Yesterday he seemed cheerful and full of jokes but now he looked like he just witnessed the brutal death of an infant.

I took it gingerly in my hands and walked out of the school doors to my car as the rest fell in line in silence behind me.
Sorry for the short chapter. It's kinda a filler.... oops

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