The Truth

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Octavian's P.O.V.

It would've been healthy for me to try to talk things out with Rachel. Or even just acknowledge the fact that I was sad or angry, or... Whatever I was.

The thing was that I really liked Rachel. She wore her hair all curly in one big red mess that smelled sweet like
melon and was soft like the stuffing in a teddy bear. Her nails were always hundreds of different colors, and sometimes I wondered if she just used them for paint swatching. I wondered a lot of things about Rachel and among those things was if she would ever like someone like me. If I ever got the nerve to ditch Hunter and Devon and go after her of course. And finally, I had gotten that nerve. But of course, Devon fucked everything up.

If I couldn't have Rachel—If I couldn't be happy, I at least wanted Devon and Hunter to be unhappy. There has to be some balance in world, right?

So I sat in bed for a few hours thinking of just something I could do to knock them down a peg. But I just kept coming back to one thing.

I had to out them. It was the best and only way to get my revenge. It would hurt both of them badly, but Hunter worst of all. It was perfect.

I curled in on myself a bit and groaned inwardly at the dull ache of my stomach from Hunter's knee being shoved into it the other day. Fuck yeah, I thought bitterly. He deserves it.

Now, how to out them was the only question. It had to be something... spectacular. Something everyone would remember. I couldn't just whisper it around... It couldn't just be a rumor. Everyone had to know it was true with undeniable proof.

Then the idea struck me: all I had to do was make a sex tape of the two of them.
One side of me thought I was a genius while the other side thought I was going to hell. But I suppose both sides knew that deep down.

Devon's P.O.V.

I think if my dick fell off, it probably still couldn't affect my mood. Rachel Dare was not only an adorably shitty kisser, but also she was happy. I hadn't seen her smile in months and it made me some weird type of queasy to know that I was the reason why she did.

"Devon, why are you here? Rachel won't be back for another hour," Piper mumbled, stuffing some popcorn into her mouth. Although her eyes were glued to the TV and her back was turned, I could feel the ghost of a glare radiating from her.

I shrugged and took a seat next to her on the couch. I glanced at whatever she was watching, then at her, then the floor. Then back at her. "Um..." I cleared my throat. "Do you want me to leave?"

Piper shifted on the couch to face me with a heavy sigh, not bothering to pause her show. She looked... irritated at the very least if not furious.

"I haven't done anything, Pip—"

"Yet." She interrupted and pressed one of her warm, butter covered fingers over my lips. "Look, " she said with an exaggerated sag of her shoulders. "You're one for ranting so I guess I should say everything I need to say before letting you speak. I'm going to speak and you aren't, okay?"


"No speaking, Devon. Nod yes or shake no."

I opened my mouth, starting to object before giving up. I nodded.

"Okay, let's get some facts straight first. You like Rachel? For more than just her cute thighs?" Piper asked and gestured for me to respond. I nodded slowly and raised an eyebrow at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2017 ⏰

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