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" Come on, Pipes and Rach, we'll be late. And that'll ruin my perfect attendance record! " Annabeth yelled from the doorway.

" Just hold on a sec! " I yelled back.

" No, we can't leave yet. I'm doing Rachel's hair! " Piper said.

" Honestly, Piper, you can't do anything with it. It's too curly and frizzy, " I said, blowing a strand of my curly red hair from my face.

" Rachel's right, it's no use... let's just go! " Annabeth said and started walking toward the door.

" But, I haven't even had breakfast yet, " I said.

" Grab a waffle, " Annabeth said and tossed me a packet of syrup.

" Fine..., " I said and grabbed one of the Eggo waffles off of the table.

We walked out of dorm and passed Leo, Jason, and Percy's. Annabeth pounded on the door to wake them up since, she knew Jason was the only punctual and responsible one in there.

" Wake up! " Jason yelled from inside.

" Go eat a pillow! " Leo yelled back.

Annabeth sighed and pulled out her secret key to their dorm room. It was against school rules for any people of different gender and dorm to have a key to another but she apparently, was an exception. I was surprised she broke a rule of this importance but it was the only one she dared protest against.

" Thank goodness you're here, Annabeth, " Jason said and put on his jacket.

" Where would these doofusses be without me? " Annabeth said and bent down to Percy and gave him a peck on the lips. He popped up and gave her another.

" Hey, Wisegirl, " he said sleepily.

" Hm... that always seems to work on him... maybe I'll try it, " Jason said.

Piper stumbled, " Wait... seriously? "

Jason blinked then laughed nervously, " No-no. I don't bend that way. "

" What about that kid Nico? " Leo said, now sitting up on his elbows.

Jason blushed deeply, " You always wake up at the wrong time. "

Percy laughed, " He does. "

Leo smiled proudly, " I do. "

Annabeth and I laughed, " Alright... we gotta get to Algebra, " she said.

I groaned right along with Leo and Percy. 

" What? It's the best class, " Jason said.

" Yeah, " Piper said.

I knew she was just trying to impress Jason because she hated anything that had to do with math.

" Well, too bad. We have to go, " Annabeth said and started to jog down the hall to class.

We all followed close behind and then I ran into the Octopus. " Watch it, Dare, " he said and tripped me as he walked away.

I clenched my jaw and caught up pace with the others. He's such a jerk. How dare he trip a girl? I couldn't hate him more. Stupid blue and green eyes and perfectly teased darkish brown blonde hair.

" You're blushing, " Piper said.

I clenched my jaw tighter, " No. I'm. Not. It's what happens when I'm angry, okay? Faces can get red from anger! "

Piper smiled, " ...right. "

I groaned and walked through the door Jason was holding open. As I sat down in my seat, Hazel Levesque shot me a shy smile. I smiled back and waved. She pointed to a girl I had never seen here before.

She nodded, " She's new. "

I nodded back and noticed Leo was rapidly approaching her desk. Poor girl. I should save her. Well, she sat in the very back so, eventually the teacher would notice Leo was there. Mr. Langdon never let Leo sit in the back.

" Mr. Valdez..., " he said in a warning tone.

" But... come on, Mr. Langdon, " Leo said and pouted.

Mr. Langdon picked up the suspension folder and Leo sighed, " Fine, fine, I'm going. Pushy, " he said and sat down right in front of the teacher.

" Now... I'd like to began this lesson with a little acronym,  FOIL, " he said and Leo put his hands in his pockets... his own sign of not paying attention.

I shook my head and looked at Annabeth, who was rapidly scribbling down notes. Her boyfriend was snoozing already. I looked back at our friend Hazel who was paying attention and every once in a while, writing something down. Her ' male friend ', Frank, was trying to pay attention but Octavian kept plucking him and kicking his chair, like the annoying pest he is. I narrowed my eyes at him but he didn't notice. Another kid who hung with us, Nico di Angelo, was listening to music, the only way you could tell was it slightly too loud through his headphones and he was bobbing his head to it the faintest bit. Jason, Piper's crush since freshman year, was attentively taking notes but stopping every once in a while to glance at Piper and smile, and Piper... well, Piper was busy blushing. Our other friend, Hannah Moore, was snoring.

" Mrs. Dare, pay attention! " Mr. Langdon said.

I nodded and for the rest of the class I wrote took notes.

* Time Skip *

I walked out of class with Piper and she smiled at me, " Jason was smiling at me! " She said and started doing a small happy dance.

I smiled back, " I know! "

" Well... maybe it's time to start looking for your boyfriend, Rach. I mean... prom is coming up in two months and you haven't even been on a date, " she said.

I sighed, " Pipes... you know I don't really-- I mean- I'm not good in that department. "

" Well... I think Hunter would be fine with that, " she said, pointed behind me and walked away.

I turned around and Hunter West stood at the entrance way of the boy's dorm and waved at me, smirking.

I smiled back and waved. There was no way he was interested in me. He was hot. Hot boys don't like girls who do art and listen to Alternative Music. I breathed in deeply and started to walk back to my dorm.

" Hey... red head, " he called.

I swallowed and turned back around, " Y-yes? "

" Wanna come meet my dorm mates and chill there? " He asked.

" B-but, that--but that's against the school code, " I said.

" So is being that beautiful, " he said and winked.

I blushed deeply and gulped, " Um... thank you... I'll come. What time? " I asked, nervously playing with the hanging strings on my ripped jeans.

" ' Round 7:00, " he said and swaggered off.

I smiled like a crazy person and let out a yelp of excitement. I had to tell Pipes and Annabeth.

He's A Jerk, But He's CuteWhere stories live. Discover now