In Lesbians With You (Don't Lose Your Shit, It's Still an Octachel Fic)

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((I suggest listening to Halsey or Hayley Kiyoko's GLG right about because this story is about to take a very feminine turn in the best of ways))

Rachel's P.O.V.
A day later, after a ton of checks and blood tests, I was finally freed from my hospital room. Which meant, I was finally free to go check on Piper. The doctor insisted that hearing about her conditions could "excite" me and that could alter the blood pressure results or whatever which only "excite"ed me more.
Despite how much I had begged to go see her in those 24 hours, now that there was an open opportunity to do it, I was hesitant. Extremely hesitant.

Piper was important to me to say the least. We were more than just roommates and friends; Piper was my best friend and helped me with everything and was eager to hear all my problems and find a solution for them. She understood me and I understood her. Maybe we had only known each other for two/three years but in those years we had developed the best connection I had ever had with anyone.

So when I knew there was the impending emotional threat of Piper being in possibly critical condition, I felt a little less excited and more anxious about seeing her. Hopefully, I was overreacting.

I chewed at the insides of my cheeks as I glared at the stained and faded blue carpet of the reception room. I was supposed to be heading home but I lied and told my dad I was getting out an hour later.

So... that left me with roughly 45 minutes to check on Piper and I was still wasting time being a coward.

I stood, features hardened, and fists clenched tight. "I'm gonna do it," I whisper to myself and walk toward the desk.

"I need to see Piper Mclean. She's my... sister." The lie was terrible, I knew. But lady just recited her room number and went back to her Zane novel.

I felt a rush of relief. If I was allowed to visit now, she must not be in that bad of condition. But why was she still here?

Shaking off my gnawing fear, I swallowed and ran a hand through my frizzy hair, fingers catching on copper curls and knots as I walked quickly to the elevator. I pressed the button and almost as if testing my nerve, the door opened automatically.

I stepped in and pressed the fifth floor button. I hummed some dumb show tune, maybe Jeopardy to calm my nerves as the elevator made it's jolting journey upward.

Finally, it dinged and I stepped outside, brushing past someone in a purple t-shirt with blonde hair... Maybe Jason was visiting.

I didn't have time to talk though and Jason apparently didn't either as he rushed into the elevator and the doors closed shut for the ride down.

I shrugged it off and continued on my mission to Piper. I had been... hyping up this moment for days now. I prayed silently as I stood in front of the white door, that she was okay. God, let her be okay.

I reached out and yelped as the door knob shocked my fingertips. "Fuck!" I covered my mouth and looked around. I wasn't sure if cursing in a hospital was a big no-no, but I was at least pretty sure it wasn't happily accepted thing.

I heard a laugh behind the doors and almost immediately my eyes were brimmed with tears and I had whipped the door open. My gaze swept the room, seeing an unmade bed but no Piper.

"I'm right here, Weasley!" Piper snorted and snapped, turning my attention from the bed to the now obvious chair in the corner.

I couldn't contain my pure joy as I ran forward and gave her a bone crushing hug. Piper seemed to have the same problem she squeezed back maybe even harder.

"God, I'm so glad you aren't dead, Rach," she sobbed into my hair and rubbed my back. I just smiled into her shoulder for I couldn't fathom words to convey just how much seeing her healthy meant to me.

Piper sniffled. "I c—couldn't go on if I killed you, Rach. I wouldn't," she cried and finally her grip loosened.

I pulled away and almost as a reflex her hands were on my cheeks and chin, turning my head all around checking if I had any wounds. "Um glud you're opay choo, Pi—" I struggled as she pinched my cheeks together.

Piper laughed and hugged me again, this time more gentle. "Oh my God, I'm just so glad we're both okay. We can go home... We're allowed a week out of school, if you still need your time away. And Jason said the rest of the squad is allowed 2 days," she huffed, pulling away.

Though my heart felt like it had just been taken out of the freezer, I was happy, God, was I happy. We were okay. We were okay... I smiled at Piper and she cupped my cheeks in her hands again.

I leaned my head forward, subconsciously and Piper leaned forward too. Our foreheads met and our noses brushed against each other's. I was so happy.

Piper's lips ghosted across mine and I smiled more. "If I hadn't been trying to get with Jason for years now, I'd totally be in lesbians with you, Rachel, " she chuckled and pulled away.

I gingerly touched my lips with my fingertips and nodded. "Uh... me too... I think." My sexuality wasn't something I was ever unsure of. I always assumed there were boys and there were girls, girls are expected to be with boys and vice versa. I'd never imagined another girl on my arm at prom, at my wedding. Especially not a girl like Piper Mclean.

I'd figure that out later. I wanted to go back to see my friends and ask Percy why he didn't just get a card.

"Are you ready to go home?"I asked.

"To school?"

"Home," I said again. "It's where our family is."

Piper grinned and started to gather her things.

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