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Octavian's P.O.V.

I opened the door to my dorm cautiously.

Devon and Hunter had been tense lately and I practically had to tiptoe around every subject or face another night sleeping on the welcome mat outside the door.

Thankfully when I walked in, Devon was watching reruns of Supernatural which was usually when he was most subdued. In fact, Devon usually was subdued. He just had a best friend/fuckbuddie that was like a dog with rabies.

I quietly sat down on my bed and unzipped my backpack.

Please don't say anything, please don't say any—

"So you and Rachel... I heard you visited her dorm today," Devon paused the show and turned around with a venomous glare. "And Piper and Annabeth weren't there."

I swallowed and decidedly maintained eye contact. "Yeah... Why?"

He narrowed his eyes and nodded his head towards Hunter's bed. A warning. "As of now, you're only allowed to visit, talk to, or even think about Rachel, when Hunter and I give you explicit permission. Got it?"

I shook my head and put my bag to the side, curling my hands into tight fists. "No. "

Devon's eyes widened. "Excuse me? It's follow the rules or welcome mat for the rest of the semester."

"Don't mess with me, Devon. I know about you and Hunter. And now so does Rachel," I said with a cyanide sweet smile.

"Hunter and I have nothing to hide. W-what do you mean?" He asked, not able to hide the shake in his voice.

The line between cruelty and justice is always thin but in that moment, they blurred entirely. "I know you and Hunter fuck every Tuesday and probably more often than that. I know that Hunter's father is a rich minister too. One that would disown him if he found out what Hunter and you get up to," I threatened. "And Devon, I know about your mother's domestic murder charges. And I know that if Hunter's parents find out, they'll disown you too. And you'll be a homeless orphan."

Devon's lips trembled. "I-Octavian, I'll kill you before you get the chance. Anyway, you wouldn't. You were shaken up about smoking weed so I know you wouldn't dare destroy both of our lives."

I shrugged nonchalantly and took out my chemistry book and notebook. "You'll never know for sure. So let's keep things fair. You don't threaten me about Rachel, I don't out you two. Even footing, right?"

Devon shook his head and sighed. "It's not fair at all... But whatever. Just leave us alone."

Just then Hunter walked in with a box of pizza and baggie of something which he tossed to Devon who gave me a quick glare and then smiled at Hunter in thanks.

"Seems like you boys need to let off some steam," Hunter said and put down the pizza on his bed. "Me too."

"Devon, relax. Crack a window and blaze a little," he turned to me with his signature smirk.

"Octavian... let's go for a walk, huh?"

I shook my head slowly and Hunter nodded. I relaxed and scooted further back on my bed and suddenly, the breath was knocked out of me and Hunter's hands were pinning me against the wall.

"If you want to do this here, that's fine," he growled and squeezed a little harder. It'd leave bruises which was good if I wanted to rat.

He dropped one of my arms and grabbed it with one hand and used the other hand to wrap around my throat. He didn't squeeze yet but he could, and it gave the intended affect.

"I-I'm sorry, I—"

"Don't fucking speak," he spat and pulled my head back from the wall only to slam it back. Devon pretended not to see and flicked on a lighter. "Because once again, I'm being especially kind to you and not snapping your pathetic twig neck."

I closed my eyes as he moved closer and I could smell... acrylic paint...?

Oh, my God, Rachel...

"I took you in because I thought you were a dork and needed some fucking guidance, boy. And you threatening the people I love is my thanks?!" He yelled and I pressed back against the wall, thinking don't flinch, don't flinch.

"Give me a reason not to kill you, Octagon!" He squeezed my throat tighter and I wheezed. "Give me one damn reason!"

I bucked up from the wall, coughing and he loosened his grip enough for me to breathe. "You can't. Because you've done nothing but disrespect me and Devon. And now you're threatening us. " He rammed his knee into my stomach and dropped my wrists as I keeled over.

"You really are retarded, aren't you? Threatening our lives over some ginger bitch? News flash, she's not fucking Ginny Weasley!" He backed off a bit and I gripped my stomach tighter, the pain searing.

"Both of you," he turned towards Devon and gave him a stern look because that's fair. Kicks my ass but gives him a stern look.

"I don't want to hear a word about Rachel fucking Dare ever again! And if you think about outing us, Octavian, and yeah; I heard your entire piss poor threat, I will kill you. Rachel may have broke your nose, but I'll fucking rip the shit off and make you choke on it."

Hunter picked up his pizza and sat down on the bed and pressed play on Supernatural. "I hope I've made myself clear, Octavian? Have I?"

"Crystal," I panted and rolled over onto my back.

"Good," he said and gestured for Devon to come over. Hunter put Devon on his lap and Devon whispered something into his ear. Hunter smiled evilly, "Oh, and Octavian? You can sleep on the welcome mat tonight."

I groaned.

( A/N: Heyyyy, guys. I think this was my favourite chapter to write so far. It's such a pivotal moment...

Anyway, I wanna know who you guys think is the worst/best. In the boy's dorm (Hunter, Devon, Octavian) and in the girl's dorm (Piper, Annabeth, Rachel) according to what's happened in the story rather than in the canon books. Next chapter comes up soon.)

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