Pretending for you

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Liana's POV

I sadly walked along with Luke as his hand remained locked on my upper arm. I started to see a red spot form there and I knew I was gonna get a bruise later. I sighed loudly as Luke's eyes remained focused on what was ahead of him. He had a serious look etched on his face and everything around him didn't seem to spark up his interest like how it does to me.

I looked up at Luke to see if he will even bother looking down at me and releasing my arm but he never did those 2 things. "Are we almost there yet?" I questioned tiredly as I grew bored of the silence even though it was what I wanted. He rolled his eyes before he opened his mouth to speak. "Yes now will you shut it?" Luke said rudely. "It's my first time speaking since you chased me and hurt me." I spat as I narrowed my eyebrows.

"I'd watch your attitude Liana." Luke sung warningly as he looked at the lake that finally came to view. I scoffed before I looked ahead to see Ashton on top of a rock with his hands in his pockets. His eyes were on the clear lake that reflected the sky and mountains, making the water look blue and brown.

Luke gave my arm a squeeze before he released me and rudely shoved me forward. I gasped as I stumbled on my feet but I luckily caught my balance. I narrowed my eyebrows as I looked back at him and he just smirked evilly and winked before he shoved a hand in his pocket.

"Aye Ashton! We finally found ya. Liana was so worried about you. She wouldn't stop asking where ya been." Luke called out loudly with a causal smile across his lips. Ashton turned around at the sound of his friends familiar voice and a smile tugged to his lips once his eyes landed on mine.

"That's my little Liana." Ashton chuckled before he turned around fully and hopped off the rock and walked towards me and Luke. "What were you doing here all alone?" I asked as I walked up to Ashton with curiosity swimming in my hazel eyes. Ashton grinned at me before he tucked a strand of my dirty blonde hair behind my ear. "Just thinkin." He said softly with a shrug.

"Don't walk off like that without me knowing ok?" I said strongly before he chuckled and nodded his head. "Ok." He giggled before he wrapped his arm around my waist and gave me a side hug. "Don't worry about me too much here. I'll always be safe and I'll always come back. I just wanted to look at this beautiful view." Ashton said as he looked behind his shoulder.

I weakly smiled before I leaned into his chest. Me and Ashton were always taught to look out for one another and to always care for each other. We loved each other to death.

"Well, we should head back. The other boys are probably wondering were we are right now."Luke said as he shoved his other hand in his pocket. "Knowing those two we probably should. Michaels probably crying and Calum's freaking out I bet." Ashton said as he let me go and walked forward. I giggled before I followed the two back to our camping tents.

"No Michael I said this was my burrito! You can't have them! They're mine!" Calum whined as he hugged his frozen burritos. "But Calum I want one! They look so good!" Michael groaned as he tried to reach for then. Calum pouted before he held them closer to his chest and he backed away.

"My burritos!" Calum screamed before he ran away from Michael. Am I seriously camping with these idiots? "Michael stop chasing Calum." I chuckled as I walked towards them. "Liana! You're back!" Calum cheered as he turned around with happy eyes. "That I am. And you're getting chased by a hungry Michael." I chuckled as I pointed at Michael.

"I just want a burrito how hard is it to give it to a person?" Michael sighed. "It's one thing if you didn't care about the food. But if it's one of your favorites you're not willing to give it up cuz it's yours." I explained as I sat on a log.

"She's a smart one." Calum smirked as he looked over at Michael. "Smarter then you two dumbnuts." Ashton breathed as he sat across from me. I laughed silently at what he said as Calum and Michael whined about it.

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