Chapter 11

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Michelle woke up about 2 hours later,  in the back of an ambulance. Aww crap  she thought. She sat up and looked around. She realized they were still in Charlie's driveway. Okay not that bad. She looked over to her left, where there was a bag hung just for hydration. She sighed and clamped the IV and started twisting off the cap. She took off all the leads and put her clothes back on. Grabbing her belongings from the tray next to her, she climbed out of the ambulance and walked towards an EMT and Charlie.

  "Okay Where's the form I need to sign?  We've got places we need to be."

The EMT and Charlie both looked at her like she was crazy.

"What? Do I have something on my face?"
The EMT was the first to speak up.

" Mam you just woke up after two hours of being unconscious. I really think you shoul-"

" Oh stop it, I'm fine.  My heart rate was too fast so my body did an emergency shutdown. Notice that I did not lose control of my bladder or anything else for that matter.  Now,  is there even a form for me to sign or can I just go? "

The EMT looked at his superior, who nodded at him while removing the IV needle and wrapping her hand. He dumbfoundedly handed her a clipboard with a release a blank form on it. She filled it out and handed it back, then headed into the house.

Once inside, Michelle went upstairs to her room where she was greeted with the same sight as when she left. She knelt down to pet Kaiser.

"Hi Bubba. It's okay. That's a good boy Kaiser. Very good."

She stood up and went to the closet. She had planned on showering but she hadn't exactly planned on...well...yeah.

She heard Charlie come up the stairs.

"I've never actually seen you do that."

"You've never pushed me hard enough," She murmured.

"Well...whenever you're ready."

We left and the day was pretty uneventful. I fell of a tramp, but nothing to write home about.

Michelle EliseWhere stories live. Discover now