Chapter 5

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Michelle's point of view

Oh my god can these girls get any smaller?what do their parents do starve them?!? whatever I need to focus on their flips not their weights. yikes one girl just ate it bad right now,"whoa are you okay sweetie?" I asked her. Tears are streaming down this little blonde-haired, blue-eyed doll's face. She looks up at me and says,
"No I can't get this stupid flip! I practice and practice but I still can't get it."

After thinking for a moment I help her up and call to Charlie that I'm taking her. I led her to a separate runway and said,

"Ok go down into your bridges position"

The little girl did as she was told. Then I placed one hand on her stomach and the other underneath her on her back and tell her to throw her feet over her head. As she does that I push up on her back and use the hand on her stomach to keep her straight to ensure she lands on her feet. The flip was a success and then I told her,

"Now keep doing that just every time go faster and faster eventually you'll straighten out and you'll be fine ok?"

She nodded shyly and I brought her back to her group. Charlie smiled at me as I stood next to him,

"Thank you. You know you could be a coach one day. "

I inclined my head a little to look over my sunglasses that I had put on because my eyes changed color. I hate when my eyes go from blue to grey. I don't have anything against people who have grey eyes it's just........I'm already pale enough and the last thing I need is to look even more pale. It clashes with my complexion and makes me look ill. Anyway I looked at Charlie and said,

"Hopefully our plan to go to California works out and I won't have to."

Charlie shook his head at me and said,

"What are you gonna do when the tour ends assuming he accepts you?"

"Well hopefully he'll ask me to stay but if not then I'll have to figure something out. I could fly back and start looking for my father I guess."

"You know Michelle, that's not a bad idea!"

Michelle EliseWhere stories live. Discover now