Chapter 2

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Michelle! Come on you're going to be late for your gymnastics! Charlie called he's waiting on you!"

Michelle rolled her eyes and called down the stairs,

" how is he waiting on me when class hasn't even started yet? Think that through and try again mom."

it was quiet for a minute then her Mom said,

" it doesn't matter just get gown here" Michelle came down the stairs in a black unitard and tramp shoes.

"What are you wearing? Michelle we don't have time to mess around with outfits!"

Michelle was finally starting to get angry and said,

"mom I'm wearing the unitard because Charlie told me to, the tramp shoes sort of speak for themselves, and my hair is in a ponytail so I'm sorry,but I fail to see the issue here!"

Taitum shook her head and said,

" whatever lets go"

" No!" Michelle said loudly,"if there is a problem I want to know about it it's my body so what's the problem mom what do you have against a unitard?"

"You don't need to get loud or angry Michelle I was just asking."

Michelle shook her head, opened her mouth to say something, closed it,shook her head again,and walked outside. She got in the car and stayed quiet the whole drive. Then when the got to the gym she got out of the car and went in without saying goodbye to her mother. She put her bag down and started stretching out. Charlie,her coach, came to her and said,

"Are you ready for next week?" Michelle looked up at him from her splits and a smile came over her face,

"Am I ever?!"

Michelle EliseWhere stories live. Discover now