Chapter 6

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Michelle helped Charlie close down the building and then looked at her phone. 20 missed calls from mom. Great, now her mom was gonna be more than upset with her. She knew she was gonna be in trouble because she was staying with Charlie for the rest of the week and then the three of them were leaving London to go to California.

They were going to California for Michelle to audition for Michael Jackson's backup singing and dancing team to go on tour with him. She was a die-hard fan of Michaels and when she found out she had that chance she took it. Charlie stopped his car I'm front of Michelle's house and she went in to grab her clothes.

When she got in the house there was Scotland Yard in the house. On the big chair in the living room looking distraught was her mother talking to an officer and sitting on the arm of the chair was Logan, her mothers husband with an arm around her. Looking irritated and tired, not a single look of worry on his face. God she hated him so much.

Taitum looked up and saw her daughter and started crying harder. She got up and walked to her pulling her into a hug and Michelle could hear her whispering,"oh thank god" over and over again.Finally she pulled away from her daughter and said,

"Where have you been? I must have called you fifty times! what did we get you a phone for if you not going to use it?"

Michelle shook her head and said,

"Mom I've been at the gymnastics studio with Charlie all day. I called you twice on your cellphone and three time on the house phone leaving a message each time."

Taitum looked at her daughter and said,

"why didn't you call your fa-"

Michelle held up a finger to stop her,her voice was low and dangerous,

"Do not call him that.He is not my father and will never be regaurded as my father no matter how much you try to force it upon me."

Michelle's icy blue eyes locked fiercely on the soft brown ones. Logan went to put a hand on Michelle's shoulder and without breaking eye contact with her mother said,

''Logan I swear to God if you touch me I will drop kick you so hard you will break your tailbone and I know how to it too."

she looked at both of them and went upstairs to her room.

She slammed her door. She had to lunge to catch the Michael Jackson Moonwalker poster on the back of her door but she was pretty sure she made her point. She packed three out fits for each day. the first one was her gym clothes,the second was her eveyday clothes,and the third was her pajamas. She went into the bathroom and grabbed her toothbrush,her blow dryer,her makeup bag (charlie wanted to experiment with her makeup for the audition),and her shampoo and soap.Then she went downstairs and went to walk ou the door but Taitum called after her,

"where are you going?"

"I am going to stay with Charlie until thursday night and then I'll come back but i don't really want to be here right now. i just need a break mama."

She kissed her mother on the cheek then put down her bag to hug her.Taitum started crying and said,

''I'm so sorry Michelle''

''shh it's ok mama it's not your fault.''

After a few minues Michelle pulled away from her mother and said,

''I have to go mama okay?''

Taitum nodded 
"I'll call you okay?''

Michelle smiled and nodded. She picked up her bag and walked out the door

Michelle EliseWhere stories live. Discover now