Chapter 7

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Once Michelle got to the car Charlie looked at her and Michelle said,

"Charlie can we go get Kaiser from the kennel before we go to the house please?"

"sure kid. It wouldn't be fun without him. ''

Michelle looked at her phone and said "do you think the kennel is still open?"

''It's open till 11:00"

Michelle nodded and they drove on to the kennel. Kaiser was Michelle's German Shepherd and medical alert dog. Michelle had a collapsed lung had a hard time doing more because she was on steroids for her breathing she wore a heart monitor that was connected wirelessly to a little pager that went off if her heart was too fast. Only kaiser could tell before hand and had a very human like personality.

Once they got to the kennel Michelle took out Kaiser. She kneeled to pet him and once she was finished Kaiser nudged her to stand back up. When she did her monitor went off for a few second because the rate spiked. Kaiser pushed her hard to a chair and when she tried to get back up he growled at her. Kaiser wouldn't let her get up until he had fully inspected her and then nuzzled his loving owner.

The clerk handed her Kaisers leash and Michelle thanked him then asked,

"we're leaving the country on Friday do we need travel papers for him?"

the clerk shook his head and he said

"Because he's a service dog no but you will need to show proof of four things. 1) his shots and wether or not they're current.

2)that he's a legally certified service animal

3)that he's yours ordered to you by the district

4) and that he has his tags and license"

"So they just want his papers right? I don't have to bring anything else?"

He nodded and said"yep". Michelle thanked him and the trio went back to the car Michelle opened the car door and Kaiser hopped into the car and laid down on the floor of the passenger side.

A little ways into the drive he sat up and put his head on Michelle's knee and whined. Michelle was dozing but the little whine that Kaiser gave her pulled her out of the trancelike state. She looked down at him and gave a tired smile. Charlie looked away from the road to look at her. He looked back at the road and put his hand on top of hers and squeezed it,

"Are you ok?''

He asked her. She answered

"Yeah I'm just tired. Kaiser knows that, which is why he's whining at me."

"Oh ok. I don't know your dog's alerts to things so I got worried.''

'' All you really need to remember is if he barks at me it's either for my heart or something's wrong"

Michelle EliseWhere stories live. Discover now