Chapter 3

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"Have you been practicing?"

Charlie asked her.

"Yes,so much so that the neighbors probably think I've cracked"

Michelle laughed at the thought. She got up and looked at Charlie. He looked a little confused and said,

"what....oh! 'tention hut"

Michelle responded by snapping her head looking straight ahead and smacking the side of her legs twice going into soldier position.

"Today we'll practice your flips,turns, and balance. "

Michelle nodded and followed her coach and mentor to the runway. She began flipping backwards and landed in Charlie's arms as was the routine. After doing that for half an hour they walked to a matted area. Charlie laced his finger together to form a boost. Michelle stepped into it and Charlie lifted her over his head while Michelle brought her other leg up so it was parallel to her head. After holding this position for five minutes Charlie said "ready up there" "ready" Michelle called. Charlie pushed her up,Michelle pushed off,jumped did a half -turn and landed in Charlie's arms. He put her down and said,
"very good!"

Michelle nodded in reply and kept her concentration. She went on the trampoline for a little while did a couple flips and a couple half-turns. Charlie could see she wasn't her usual self so he called her over and said,

"come on stretch out I'll do it with you"

Michelle just nodded and sat down quietly.
"Shelly sweetheart what's wrong?"

charlie asked. Michelle looked up and saw he was concerned so decided to tell him the truth.

"It's my mom. Every time I turn around she's got something else wrong with me."

"like what sweetie?"

Michelle shook her head and Charlie said quietly,


they went into the half splits and Michelle sighed and said,

"everything Charlie. The way I dress. The way I wear my hair,one day she'll tell me I'm too thin the next she'll tell me if I want to make it into competitions I'll have to lose weight,she says that I shut her out which is true but that's her own fault,she wants to get me a therapist because I won't talk about my problems with her. It's just getting really old"

Michelle switched legs and wiped away a couple tears that had escaped. Charlie caught her eye and said,
"you don't have to stay there if you don't want to. You can come stay with me till next Friday when we leave, I mean I'm here pretty much all day doing classes so you could hang out here or join the classes and be my assistant. Do you wanna do that?"

Michelle nodded and said,

"thank you Charlie that would be great. Do you wanna take me home so I can grab a bag?"

"Yeah well do that,mind you I don't leave today until ten."

"that's alright I have my key and my phone.....thank you Charlie."

Michelle went into her full on splits and Charlie nodded then did the same.

Michelle EliseWhere stories live. Discover now