Chapter 9

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View on Michael


Michelle Elise.


The girl he had been searching for.

8 years.

"Michael.....Michael!" Michael snapped his head up from the picture of Michelle that he always kept in his breast pocket. "Yeah? what happened?"

His manager Frank DiLeo looked at him and shook his head.

''We're leaving let's go. what is that?" Michael handed him the picture of his daughter."

"Is this Michelle?" he asked.

Michael nodded.

"She's beautiful, look at those eyes"

Frank said. He handed the picture back to Michael. Michael looked at it one more time smiling sadly then tucked it back into his jacket. He sighed and gathered up his papers. Michael was in Nevada searching for backup singers and dancers. Tonight he would be flying back to California to search there. He wanted California to be the last place he went in the states so he would be comfortable and feel at home. Then he would start going country to country the next month.

Michael walked out to the limousine parked out front and got in. He was quiet the entire drive and Frank was worried.

"Michael, what's wrong?"

Michael looked at him and shook his head.

"Nothing Frank. I just miss her is all. I don't think she even knows who she really is"

Frank decided to play dumb and said,

"and who would that be?"

Michael laughed and said,

"when I announced publicly that she was born they called her the future princess of pop. But she's really the Jackson princess"

Michael's voice faltered at 'my princess' and he looked away from Frank and wiped away some tears that had escaped. He was silent the rest of the drive.

Michelle EliseWhere stories live. Discover now