6: Gone To The Park With Alex

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"Congratulations Eli, you've got the main cast." Ms. Williams greeted, Manager of the Theatre Arts Club.

"Thanks, Ma'am." I walked to the parking lot seeing Cassie.

"Hey, Eli." She greeted.


"Annoyed! Seeing me. The hell is wrong with you!"

"Can you shut up!" I glared, as the white Audi came to the center hall.

"Eli! Come on up!" Alex called.

"Can I have a ride?" Cassie asked, that made my eyes widen.

Good thing, I think Alex feels what I want and don't want him to do.

"Sorry, We've got to go somewhere." He replied.

"Hmp! Fine! It's always because of the queen." Cassie whispered.

"Sorry, honey. Better luck next time." I annoyed her.

I rode the car without hesitating. There's a sudden jolt on my body that made me feel comfortable being with Alex. Is this the feeling of starting to get close to a guy. Gods, Eli. I don't know what to say. Alex started the conversation.

"You know what? Ronnie fits you. I mean really."

"You know what too? I don't like being Ronnie's character. So stop talking about that."

"Because if you don't stop being like what you are now, I'll try to put Ronnie up on you. Wait, have you read the whole story?"

"Of course!" I waved my hair. "I've read all Nicholas Sparks' books."

"Me too. Do you want to know a trivia."

"No. When it comes from you."

"Seriously. Cause when two people are such the same of things or everything that they want, they are meant for each other."

"Cliché. I've already know that. I've read that thousand times."

"But you don't believe it."

I was startled hearing Alex's said. He knew something about me even if we're new to each other. He knew something about my personality and that's what I like on people getting so close to me. Knowing who I am and what I want.

"Where are we going?"

"Amusement Park." He answered.

"Alex, I'm tired. I want to go home."

"You're not a child to say nonsense things like that."

We went out of the car as I saw several rides and different colors of lights. It's so bright and noisy. But I think we didn't come here to have fun on rides because we went directly to the high bridge seeing the tiny lights down. It's so beautiful.

"You know when you don't care of some little things, then you've got to take care of them by the time they became they're getting lost." Alex said.

Now I know, we came to here unwind.

"I don't even know what are you talking about." I said.

Alex sighed heavily. I can feel his way for handling things on his life, but who am I to know that? I'm nothing to him, if it isn't for the great deal my father gave me. After several minutes of side seeing on the bridge, we finally went back to the car, then Alex was back on his own self again. Douchè.

"Thanks for coming with me, Eli." He said.

"Hello! I don't even want to come with you, it's just that this is your car, and I don't have a chance to do something about it."

"But you like the place?"

"No. I hate that place. I don't even want to go there, like ever."

"Liar." He said, grinning at me.

Alex was right. This is the place, I like the most, but I've never been here. This is the first time, I went to the park with an unfamiliar person with me. I remember when I wished to go here when I was 7, then my parents agreed but they didn't bring me here.

So I promised myself that I'm not going here, never in my life. But destiny is faking me. Of all people, Alex will be the person who'll bring me in my most favorite place.

"You don't care." I glared to him.

"You just don't want people knowing the real you, Eli. You're afraid that if they would know you better, they'll also have a chance on critici-----"

"Enough!! Okay! I get it." I almost yelled.

"Why don't you face your fears. Give what you have to give."

I got annoyed because Alex don't stop talking. And what is the most infuriating he's saying is that, he's reading the real me that no one would do to a girl especially like me. So, I got a chance to throw water on him.

"AAAAAH!!" He shouted, he almost drove like crazy but he's fast enough to handle the wheel.

"That's what people got for making people boosted."

"You're always the hardheaded fish!" He glared.

He keeps on laughing while wiping his wet face. Half an hour passed we reached our house.

"Goodnight Eli." He said.

"Whatever! I told you I'm not used to greetings."

"Then I'll be the one to teach you that."
His crazy face, smirking again.

"In your face. I don't want to."

"Here comes the denial queen again."

"Go away!"

Then one of our family butler called us.

"Have some tea inside, sir."

Before I could say anything, Alex already agreed. Wow! Sir? 'What Sir?' I'm the only one to called Ma'am in this mansion.

"Sure, thanks!" He said politely.

Then he started smirking again like always trying to annoy me at all times.
Walking inside the house, something caught my eyes, on the table in the living room. A Picture. I walked closely as I can see, it was Alex and Me, standing on the bridge looking to the lights, Smiling.

"Ms. Eli, your father saw that a while ago." Mr. Holinberg said.

I was shocked. My father doesn't want me taking pictures by any guy around. He want the guy to be gentleman, polite, caring, generous, understanding, loving and many more.

"What did he say?"

"Nothing Ms...but he smiled." He said.
"I think your father likes the guy." He added.

I handled the picture and I turned to Alex who's busy drinking his tea on the kitchen island. I glanced at the picture and turned to him again. I smiled. I think he saw me, that's why he smiled back.




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