Bully (Grayson)

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I was walking to school, holding onto the straps of my backpack. My book bag was a lot heavier today cause I had to do my bully's homework. Yes I have a bully. I'm a geek in school, well thats what they label me.

You can't just label someone like that just cause they love school, has glasses (sorry if you don't have), is a straight A student, and loves video games and technology. I reached the school and entered the gates of hell.

People were already laughing at me, pointing at me, and giving me disgusted looks. It hurts but to be honest they don't truly know who they're messing with.

I can kick ass and beat up about two wrestlers while eating a cheeseburger at the same time. They think I don't curse or go to parties but thats because I'm a "geek". I curse more than they think, I went to about seven parties. Not counting birthday parties even tho those are wild too.

I walked to my locker and opened it only to have it slammed closed. I jump seeing, Grayson Dolan my school bully.

"Wheres my homework, bitch?" He held out his hand.

I had enough of his crap, its my turn to show him who's boss. He can't rule me anymore I'm not his slave.

"Up my butt." I mumbled.

"Excuse me." He pushed me against the locker.

"You're excused." I sassed

"Stupid slut." He smacked me.

"What the fuck did I ever do to you?! I don't understand why you have to pick on me every single fucking day! I don't need your shit anymore, I don't need you to tell me I'm a bitch, slut, worthless whore anymore! How would you feel if you were the one getting hurt everyday?!" I yelled.

He was shocked, everyone was. His face grew angrier.

"You don't tell me what to do!" He reached his hand out to smack me but I grabbed it and flipped him (Like they do in those movies).

He fell on his back, groaning in pain when his friends and twin brother Ethan came rushing towards me. I pushed one guy away, slapped Ethan in the face and kicked his balls, and I punched another guy in his nose.

They all got up from recovering from the pain, they backed up and all ran except Grayson.

"You're gonna wish you were never born after what you just did." He said and walked away.

I smirked and looked around seeing everyone wide eyed. I roll my eyes and walk off.

<After school>

Everyone was waiting outside for someone to pick them up or to go on the bus. I crossed my arms looking around for my mom when I saw Grayson, picking on a boy. I shake my head and just watch as the boy cries, while Gray knocks his books down.

I had enough. I ran to them and tackled Grayson, and punched him multiple times. It felt so good to finally stand up for someone and teach him a lesson.

"What is going on here?!" It was the principle yelling. "GET OFF HIM!" She yelled.

Someone pulled me off the now bloody nose, he was groaning in pain. I kind of felt bad for him for a second but he hurt me so he deserved it. Right? I was taken to the principles office while Grayson, was taken to the nurses office.

"Sofia, you do realize what you just did could get you suspended?" The principle asked.

"But I had to, Mrs. Brunel. He was bullying a kid who didn't deserve it, he always hurts me by slapping me and calling me horrible names and it needs to stop." I explained.

"Sofia, silly Grayson is a straight A student who happens to be very sweet. He doesn't even want to dissect a frog because he thinks it didn't deserve to die, now why would he bully someone?" She said.

"Mrs. Brunel, is it ok if I talk to Sofia alone?" I turn seeing, Grayson with a purplish nose.

"Of course, you guys have five minutes." She said walking out the door.

"Look, Sofia, I know this may not be able to believe but... I-I really like you, and I hate myself so much for hurting you, making you do my homework, and calling you mean names. The truth is, is that I don't want to lose you yet I'm hurting you, making you not be interested in me. I know you might not like me back but I just really, deeply, truly like you. Hell I might even love you, Sofia." He said, a tear rolling down his cheek.

What he just said shocked me. To be honest I liked Grayson, but I always ignored the feelings. I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth or not.

"Gray," I looked in his eyes. "I really like you too." I laughed a little.

"Really?!" His face lit up.

"Yes!" I nodded, smiling.

He walked towards me and held my hands. He smashed his lips on mine as our lips moved in sync, sparks flew. I kissed back obviously. He held my waist pulling me closer, he pulled away putting his forehead on mine.

"Sofia, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Of course." I smiled kissing him once more.

"Okay, times up love birds." We both turn our heads seeing the principle.

We both chuckled and walked out the principles office hand in hand. I didn't get suspended cause Gray said it was fine. After that people loved us as a couple.  


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