Ex pt.2 |G|

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Since all your crusty ass' wanted a part two

<Your POV>

"Its ok baby girl, he's a douche and he wont touch you." Dylan said, rubbing my arm.

I smiled, "Thanks Dylan, I love you." He blushed.

"I love you too." He pecked my lips.

We got up from our seats in the foodcourt, threw away our garbage and started walking around the mall some more.

"Aw babe, I gotta go. I love you baby." Dylan pouts, pecking my lips and leaving.

I sigh and continue walking, already bored I take out my phone to call a taxi.

"I can take you home." I turn around and my breathing hitched, memories came back.

"No." I blurt out, turning around only to have a grip on my wrist. "Hey! Let go!" I demand.

"No, I just, at least lets talk." He said, loosening his grip on me.

I groan, "Fine!" I say harshly.

He lets go of my wrist and smiles at me, I don't return the smile, I just keep a straight face.

"What do you wanna talk about?" I asked blankly.

"Us." He answered quickly, my eyes filled with tears at the memories we had made.

"There's nothing to talk about though. You cheated and was obviously not the one for me, so move one, just like I did." I said, annoyed by him already.

To be honest, I'm not even annoyed. I'm scared that he might say one sweet thing and I'll already be in his arms crying. I don't want him to win.

"I still love you, Y/n. The hell if there was a stronger word for love, I'd say that so I'm just gonna make up a word... I still burken you." I giggled lightly. "I miss that laugh." He whispered,

"Its been three years, why haven't you moved on?" I asked.

"Cause I burken you." He says.

"Okay, I get it, you made up a word thats stronger for love." We both laughed, but when we stopped,
smiles were still on our faces.

"I know you love him more, I know you love him more then you ever loved me, I can see you're happier with hime then with me. At least a friendship with you would be great." Grayson said, his voice cracking.

"Just a friendship, Gray, nothing more. Don't try and do no funny business with me, I still have a boyfriend." I smiled.

His face lit up and he smiled instantly, pulling me into a hug and I hug back.

"You still smell good." He complemented.

I laughed, "So do you."

It felt nice in his arms, basically I felt some sparks, but I don't like Gray anymore. I moved on, I have a boyfriend and its not Gray.

But I still felt safe, like I did years ago when we were dating.

A/N: Sorry I didn't post anything really yesterday, I went to the movies with my friends, then I wrote a Nash imagine on my other account, then I passed out on my bed and slept.


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