Don't Forget

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//Stampy's POV//
I woke up to the sun shining into the room. I got out of bed at lightning speed and rushed over to the window. Wow. The sun was bright, the sky was a beautiful shade of blue and there wasn't a single cloud in the sky. What a gorgeous day.

I suddenly felt hands on my waist. Yelping, I twisted around. It was Sqaishey. I pressed my forehead against hers.

"Sleep okay Kittycake?" she murmured.

"Alright," I said, my words barely audible.

She smiled. I smiled back.

And then we were kissing.

It was amazing. Her lips were soft and full, and I could taste a hint of the strawberry cheesecake lip balm she wore. Her lips moved in time with mine, to a rhythm of silent music. I grabbed her, pulling her closer, and down onto the bed. She giggled through our kisses.
Cautiously, I moved my kisses down to her jaw, then her neck. I could feel her smiling. Then she started to laugh.

"STOP!" she squealed, and moved away.
"Did I do something wrong?" I panicked.

Sqaishey blushed.
"I'm-I'm just very ticklish on my neck," she whispered. "And everywhere."

I laughed. That was freaking adorable! Sqaishey went bright red.
"Shut up!" she fake pouted.

I poked her in the side, making her giggle and jump away. I grinned. Her face went from bright red to a red so bright you could almost see the heat rolling off her.

"Come on my ticklish tomato," I smiled. "Let's go downstairs."

Squeezing her hand tightly we went downstairs.
"Hi Squid," I said as we walked into the kitchen. "Where's Amy?".

"...behind you," Squid chuckled.

I squeaked as I felt hands clamp on to my shoulders.
"AMY! Don't do that!" I giggled.

Amy came out from behind me grinning.
"Sorry Stamps, I couldn't resist," she apologised.

We made some pancakes for breakfast and quickly gobbled them up. I had just finished my last pancake when Squid asked, "So, Stampy, what time is Netty coming?"

I felt the colour drain from my face. How had I forgotten about Netty.

AN: Sorry that I haven't been updating. I know I say this a lot but I am SUUUUPER busy. It's a short chapter because I wanted to update ASAP. SOWWEE.

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