Chapter 37 - Beginning of the End

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A/N: this sadly is the final chapter. I want to thank you all personally for your absolutely amazing support. It's been such an adventure writing Broken for you all to enjoy. I have ideas for a sequel so feel free to follow me so you're the first to see, however for now I will take a break from Alexia, Draco and their dramatic lives! Please leave a comment to tell me what you thought of Broken. Thank you once again, hope you loved the story as much as I loved writing it xx


Friday was a hot, balmy summers day. The grounds were bathed in brilliant sunlight which caused the lake to glisten gracefully. In the Great Hall, the ceiling  was displaying the clear blue sky and bright sunshine just as it was outside. At the staff table, several of the teachers were missing including  Umbridge. Several of them were in deep conversation with one another, others looked worried and shocked. Snape had a blank expression as usual. Alexia had spent her trip up to the Great Hall briefing to several Slytherins what exactly had happened last night with Umbridge, the Inquisitorial Squad, Potter and the others. They were just as shocked as she still was. It was the students' final full day at Hogwarts for the term and school year. There were no lessons, examinations or meetings; it was a day for the students to pack their belongings and get ready to return home for the summer.

Just as Alexia sat down at the Slytherin table, the Owl Post arrived. A light shower of envelopes fell from above, landing in front of the students they were sent to. This was followed by a bombardment of copies of the Daily Prophet. Immediately the Hall became swallowed with noise as people expressed their shock, fear and astonishment at what was read on the front cover in huge, bold lettering.


Alexia widened her eyes, "No..." She said in disbelief.
"Shit." Draco muttered. He flipped to the next page and shook his head, unable to believe what he was reading. Furiously, Draco slammed his fist onto the table.
Alexia was startled and snapped her head to Draco, "What the hell happened last night?" She questioned.
"Read page 2," Draco grunted ignoring her question.
She turned the page of her copy. Below all the interviews with Cornelius Fudge reporting his witness of Voldemort and what happened overnight, was a report on which of Voldemort's Death Eaters had been captured; Lucius Malfoy's name was written in bold. She looked up at Draco in shock. Then, she looked back down to check if her father's name was there too. It wasn't.
"How could this happen?" Pansy muttered.
"Draco-" Alexia started.
"It's all Potter's fault!" Draco sneered. "He went to the Ministry and caused all this!"
Alexia nodded in agreement.
"He's gonna pay," Draco said. "When he gets back here, he's going to get it."


Later on in the day, after visiting the Hospital Wing for a quick check up, Alexia, Daphne and Pansy went back to their dormitory to pack their belongings.
"I'm so excited to leave this place," Alexia said as she painted her nails, occasionally looking over to Daphne who was folding her clothes for her and placing them into one of her trunks. "Thanks again for helping Daph. If I had my own house elf here, I wouldn't have asked you." She added.
"No worries Al," Daphne said sarcastically. The truth was Alexia hadn't asked Daphne to pack her trunk; she had just told her she was to do it for her.
"Try to keep the silk in a separate pile from the satin though, Daph!" Alexia said.
"Right." Daphne replied.
"Alexia, why don't you pack your shoes? It will be a lot quicker to do them now rather than wait for Daphne, then we can go out and enjoy the sun." Pansy suggested, noticing Daphne's frustration.
Alexia furrowed, considering Pansy's suggestion, "I would," she started, "but my nails are still drying... I can't chip them, I have a magazine photo shoot in a few days!"
Daphne rolled her eyes.
"Here," Pansy said, taking her wand and making her way over to Alexia.
"Oh, no-"
Pansy waved her wand speedily. A small wind blew from the tip, instantly drying Alexia's deep crimson red nails. "There you go!"
Alexia frowned, "Oh- er... Thanks." She muttered. She slowly got up and made her way over to her reasonably large collection of shoes. She looked at them in hope they would somehow pack themselves into her trunk, but no matter how persistently she looked, they wouldn't move. She sighed, and begun packing.

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