Chapter 32 - Waiting Games

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A/N: I have lost track of how long it's been since the last update and I am so so sorry it's taken me forever to get this chapter up. I have recently been on holiday, then returned to a busy term at school, gotten a casual job and my sport has resumed. finding time to write has been difficult but I've finally finished this chapter and along with it being published I am giving all my apologies. Thanks for the ongoing support xxx


"Happy Easter, Alexia!" Rufus greeted his daughter on Sunday morning of Easter break at the Malfoy Manor.
"Happy Easter, Father!" she replied with a grateful smile.
"Oh, Alexia!" Narcissa said, appearing from the dining room. "Happy Easter! Here you go." she swished her wand and conjured a beautifully wtapped easter egg.
"Narcissa, thank you. Happy Easter!" Alexia replied, taking the easter egg and giving Narcissa a small embrace.
"We've already eaten, dear, but Draco's having breakfast now if you want to join him." Narcissa told her.
"Oh, of course," said Alexia. She smiled warmly and then walked to the dining room where Draco was seated at his usual spot at the table, eating breakfast.
"Good morning!" Alexia said happily.
"Morning," Draco mumbled.
Alexia tilted her head, "What's wrong with you?"
"Had a rough night." Draco said.
"Right," said Alexia.
"Surprised you didn't hear me. I got up to get a drink and dropped a bottle of whisky." Draco said.
"So bad you resulted to drinking, huh?"
"Should've joined you."
"I haven't had a drink in a while," Alexia said.
"Let's have one tonight then before we go back to the dumps." Draco told her.
"Sounds like a plan," Alexia replied.

After breakfast, Rufus told Alexia and the Malfoy's that he would be leaving soon. Alexia didn't want him to leave so soon, but she understood if he didn't leave, someone would be sure to see him or overhear a conversation about him and he would be bound to end up in Azkaban again. If that happened, the Dark Lord would not be happy and he probably would not assist in helping one of his most trusted Death Eaters escape once again.

Rufus too was upset. He felt terrible leaving his only daughter once more. All he seemed to ever be doing was leaving the ones he loved the most. He packed his bag of little belongings slowly, putting off the goodbyes he would soon have to say.

Once he had finished he went downstairs and said goodbye to Narcissa, Lucius and Draco.
"Take care of my girl," he said to them all, "she needs all the care she can get."
"We will, Rufus, don't you worry." Lucius said.
"Thank you," Rufus replied, "for everything."
"We'll see you very soon," Lucius assured Rufus.
"Yes, very soon you won't need to hide anymore." Narcissa added.
Rufus nodded, "Yes, and until then, you stay safe. All three of you."
"We will."
"Draco, look after her, okay?" Rufus said directly to Draco.
"Of course, Rufus. I will always." Draco replied with a curt nod.
Rufus smiled, " I should go say goodbye to Alexia." it sounded as if he was in pain. He didn't want to say goodbye to her just yet.
Lucius nodded, "She's out the front waiting for you."
"Okay." said Rufus. "Thanks again for everything."
"No worries, Rufus. We'll see you soon." Lucius said.
Rufus picked up his bag and took a deep breath, then he slowly made his way to the front door.

Out on the porch, Alexia leant against a pillar trying her hardest to keep herself together. The door opened and Rufus stepped out. Someone closed it gently behind him.
"I'm sorry I have to leave, Alexia." he said.
Alexia looked up, "It's okay, Father, I know you are and I know it's not what you want."
"I'll miss you so much," he said.
"I'll miss you too," Alexia replied.
Rufus opened his arms and pulled Alexia into a loving embrace.
Alexia had never realised how loving and caring her father was. She was brought up with her mother who didn't believe in things like love, so for some reason she assumed her father was the same. But he wasn't. And maybe she wasn't. Maybe she could love. Maybe feelings she had always just brushed off, were feelings of love. Feelings she always worried she might have for that one person in particular.
"You shouldn't think these things while I'm around, Alexia." Rufus said.
This alarmed Alexia, she completely forgot that her father was skilled in legilimency. When she wasn't careful, he could read into almost all her thoughts. "Oh Merlin!" she gasped.
Rufus chuckled, "I won't tell anyone."
"How embarrassing!"
"It's okay, Alexia. And I know you don't think it, but it's okay to have those kind of feelings." Rufus assured her, but he knew she was too embarrassed to speak about it with him, so he changed topics quickly. "I better get going soon, I need to make my way up north of the country. I haven't been that way yet."
Alexia nodded, "Oh yeah, of course."
"I'll see you very soon, Al."
"Stay safe," Alexia said.
"You too. Keep up the good work at school and good luck in your exams."
"Thank you, Father."
"And Alexia, if you can, could you write to your mother? She's worried she's upset you." Rufus asked.
Alexia nodded, "Yeah, of course. I haven't been the nicest to her lately I suppose."
"Thank you."

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