Chapter 22 - Wicked Games

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On Monday morning, Alexia awoke cheerfully. Her original Valentine's date the day before had been terrible, but her afternoon spent with a certain Hufflepuff had been much more preferred.
"Where did you go off to last night?" Daphne asked as the two headed down to the Common Room together.
"Huh?" Alexia asked.
"Last night, I heard you get out of bed during the night, where'd you go?"
Alexia suddenly remembered; she had left the Slytherin Dungeons to meet Sullivan during the night. "I didn't go anywhere, Daph. I fell asleep straight away last night." she lied.
"I swear I saw you leave the room..." Daphne muttered.
"Maybe it was one of the other girls, or maybe you were just dreaming," Alexia said.

A small group of people were hovering around noticeboard in the Common Room. Pinned onto it was a piece of parchment reading:

FIFTH-YEAR CAREER ADVICES THIS WEEK Report to Head of House teacher at your set interview time listed below...

Alexia scanned the list and found her name and interview time which was scheduled for later that morning, then her and Daphne headed for Breakfast.


Unfortunately, Alexia still had to endure majority of Transfiguration and cranky Professor McGonagall before her interview. Five minutes before the end of the lesson, Alexia excused herself and made her way back down to the Dungeons to meet with Professor Snape in his office.

Alexia knocked at the closed door, which flew open almost instants after. She entered into the gloomy and dimly-lit room, closing the door gently behind her.
"Miss Burke, right on time like always," Professor Snape said in his slow, dull voice from behind his dark oak desk.
Alexia smiled, "Good morning sir, how are you today?"
"I am quite alright. Take a seat," he indicated to the seat on the opposite side to where he sat by the desk.
Alexia obeyed and sat down, crossing her legs and sitting tall. A fire was lit on the other side of the office behind Alexia, which along with a few candles, was the only source of light in the room. On the left of Snape's desk was a shadowy shelf lined with many jars and dusty books, and to the right of his desk, was his private Potion's ingredients cupboard.
"I must remember to thank your mother for the wine." Snape said.
"There's no need for that Professor," Alexia said, "It's a gift of our gratitude. You are a wonderful potions master and you deserve much more appreciation for everything you teach me and all the students here."
"Miss Burke, your flattery and manners towards those who matter are exceptional. I expect you to go very far when you finish your education." Snape told her.
Alexia smiled at him, "Thank you, sir," she said.

Snape ruffled with some papers on his desk, then lifted his head suddenly. "I don't say things like this often, or at all, but I could definitely see you rising towards a high role in the Wizarding world like Minister for Magic in the future."
He was right; he never said things like that. Although she really did like Professor Snape and even in some ways looked up to him, she did put on her act of charm with him, like she did with other teachers, and as soon as he had said that, she knew he had fallen for it just like the rest of the teachers who saw her as an exceedingly polite, academic, model student.
"Professor Snape, that means so much! But I'm not sure politics would suit me," she said. It was true; Alexia knew she would be thriving on personal relationships and maybe even blackmail if she ever wanted to become Minister for Magic. Her personal charm would be the only chance of winning the position over a male wizard.
Snape pondered Alexia's disagreement, then looked back down at his papers. "Tell me, what is your favourite subject? "
"My favourite subject is Potions of course, sir." Alexia informed him.
He nodded then looked down at a piece of parchment, "Looking here," he said, "You are doing extremely well across all your subjects, especially Potions and Arithmacy. A little lower in Astronomy and Divination but still very consistent." Snape said. "What are you interested in doing when you leave Hogwarts?"
"I want to become a Potioneer, sir." Alexia said. "I want to make the world a beautiful place! I'd love to rule the wizard and witch beauty industry with my own products and label!" she finished precisely.
Snape nodded once again, "Indeed, you would be an exceptional Potioneer," he said.
"Thank you," Alexia replied.
"Well, you will need to recieve an Outstanding in your Potions O.W.L. this year in order to take my advanced N.E.W.T. Potions class in your sixth-year. It is difficult, but you are extremely capable of it." He told Alexia. "Alchemy is an optional subject you may also want to take. It covers the ancient science of Potions, as well as the transmutation of substances. It's available for sixth and seventh-years and would definitely help you in your career."
Alexia nodded. She had heard of Alchemy before and knew that alchemists were very skilled people.
"I would also advise you to continue on with Herbology, as many potions, especially cosmetic and medical potions, require the knowledge and use of many herbs and plants." Snape continued. "Professor Sprout allows students who receive an Exceeds Expectations O.W.L. continue in her N.E.W.T class."
"Of course," Alexia said, "Er- Professor Snape?"
"Yes, Miss Burke?"
"I haven't yet told my mother about my desire to become a Potioneer, and I know it's a huge ask, but I'm wondering, if you happen to write a thank you letter to her for the wine, could you possibly put in a good word on how I'm going in Potions? Perhaps also that you think I would make a great Potioneer?" Alexia asked politely and almost with the tone of embarrassment. It wasn't every day she asked for help or for favors, and it was even strange for her to be cowering from her mother.
Snape looked down at her almost with confusion, his beady eyes peering over his hooked nose. "I'll see what I can do," he eventually and briefly said.
"Thank you very much sir," Alexia thanked him.
"If you have any more questions about N.E.W.T level subjects, your upcoming exams or Potioneering, come and see myself. I am expecting high achievements from you Alexia, and I will assist you in any way I can to make sure you fulfill your goal." Snape said, moving on.
Alexia smiled and stood up from her seat, "Yes, of course Professor. I appreciate all your help."
Snape attempted a weak smile, "You may be excused," he said.
"Thank you, Professor," Alexia replied, then left his dark dungeon office, shutting the door behind her.

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