Chapter 16 - The New Years Eve Ball

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A/N: Sorry this chapter took a while to be published. I've been wanting to write this chapter for ages and even before the characters mentioned it, I knew there had to be a ball scene in the book, so I wanted it to be perfect! I feel like there could be something missing but I'll edit it and let you all know if I make any changes. I linked some Lana Del Ray music just because I listened to her while I wrote this chapter and I think it suits it. Please leave a comment with what you think of the chapter! xxx


"You next Draco," Lucius Malfoy said to his son and gesturing to the fire.

Draco took hold of his bag containing the change of clothes and other needs for his overnight stay at the Burke Estate, took a handful of the silvery Floo powder in his other hand, threw it into the fire which turned an emerald green, then stepped into the flames.

"Burke Estate." He said clearly and loudly, then he was sent spinning into a tunnel of nothingness, with only images of fireplaces flashing before him.

Every year the Malfoy's would stay at the Burke Estate in the guest wing of the house after the New Years Ball, it was something Laurel Burke insisted. Then in the morning, they would leave with headaches from too much alcohol and full tummies from a huge breakfast that Laurel would feed them.

Draco reached the fireplace in the entrance of the Burke's home shortly after and stepped out of the emerald flames. He casually flicked a small bit of dust from the shoulder of his all-black suit. His mother and Laurel were standing in front of him waiting for him and his father's arrival.

"Draco!" Laurel greeted him coming, kissing him on the cheek, "Welcome! Oh, watch out, Lucius is here!" she said stepping aside to greet his father. Draco moved to stand next to his mother and put down his bag.

"How was your Christmas?" Laurel asked them all. Laurel was wearing a flowing periwinkle coloured gown, accompanied with some sparkling jewellery. Her hair was slick and straight, and she gave off a healthy and happy glow despite the amount of stress the night always gave her.

"It was great thank you, Laurel." Lucius replied. "How is Rufus?" he asked cautiously and quietly.

Laurel sighed, "He's fine, starting to lose hope that he'll ever get out though."

Narcissa squeezed Laurel's arm in comfort, "You know he will, Laurel."

Laurel nodded, "Yes, I know. It just hurts to see him like that." It was quiet for a moment until eventually she spoke again, "Enough about that," she said, "let's enjoy tonight. Here, Belly will take your bags up to your rooms." And at his name, the small house elf appeared at Draco's side and took his bag aswell as Narcissa and Lucius's before disappearing again.

"Where's Alexia, Laurel?" Draco asked.

"She should be ready soon, she likes to take her time. Come up to the ballroom, I'll get you all drink before the other guests arrive." Laurel told all of them, then gestured them to the grand staricase.

The ballroom looked exquisite. The last of the setting sun streamed through the long, tall windows, dancing rays off the sparkling granite floors and made the elegant crystal chandelier hanging above the centre of the dance floor shimmer. Peaceful instrumental music played quietly in the background and on top of the round tables were bunches of red roses and tall, thin candles with tiny golden flames.

Laurel walked across the room to the bar where two bartenders and a group of caterers and waitors were setting up, filling their silver trays with champagne flutes and wine glasses as well as delicious and decorative canapés. Laurel was about to ask what the Malfoy's would like to drink when a light sound of high heels tapping against the granite floor filled the room. Draco turned. There she was. Alexia. His beautiful best friend.

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