Chapter 20 - The Breakout

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"Ugh! You two are so disgusting. Move out of the way before I catch something." Alexia spat as Fred and George Weasley got in her way as she walked to the Great Hall on the last Monday of January.
Lee Jordan, who was watching Fred and George laughed and cheered as the twins finished showing Alexia their latest product - a trick wand that turned into a rubber chicken when a spell was cast from it.
Alexia rolled her eyes and strutted off, "I'll dock points next time!" she called behind her, but all they seemed to do was continue laughing.

"Morning everyone," Alexia said, joining the usual group in the Great Hall for breakfast.
They all seemed to be too interested in something they were reading in the Daily Prophet to even notice her.
"Wait until Alexia sees this!" Daphne said.
Alexia cleared her throat causing everyone to turn, "If you haven't noticed, Alexia is here!" she said. "What are you all looking at?"
They all looked hopefully at each other, waiting for someone to tell her. In the end it was Daphne who spoke, "Here," she said giving Alexia a copy of the Prophet.
Alexia snatched the newspaper from her at laid her eyes on the front page which read in huge, bold, black writing 'MASS BREAKOUT FROM AZKABAN'.
Alexia scanned the rest of the page; the article covered the whole page and along with it were included pictures of each Death Eater that had escaped with a brief caption of their crimes, and the very last photo was Alexia's father, Rufus Burke. "I can't believe it," Alexia gasped, "Have they really escaped?"
"Read it," Draco said.

Alexia looked below the large printed heading and began reading the transcript beneath it:
Late last night, the Ministry of Magic confirmed that there has been a mass breakout from Azkaban.
Speaking to reporters in his private office, Cornelius Fudge, Minister for Magic, announced that ten high-security prisoners escaped in the early hours of yesterday evening. He has already reported the breakout to the Muggle Prime Minister, warning him of the dangerous nature of these prisoners.
"We find ourselves, most unfortunately, in the same position we were two and a half years ago when the murderer Sirius Black escaped," said Fudge last night. "Nor do we think the two breakouts are unrelated. An escape of this magnitude suggests outside help, and we must remember that Black, as the first person ever to break out of Azkaban, would be ideally placed to help others follow in his footsteps. We think it likely that these individuals, who include Black's cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange, have rallied around Black as their leader. We are, of course, doing all we can to find the criminals and we beg the magical community to stay aware and cautious. Never should any of these individuals be approached."

Once she had finished reading she looked up at the others who were looking at her, infact most of the Slytherin table had been watching her read. Most people knew her father was a Death Eater who had been imprisioned in Azkaban, and because of this, they were usually scared of her, but now, to know that he had really escaped, would this make them even more scared?
"Aunt Bellatrix's escaped too," Draco said pointing at the photo of the only witch. She had long, dark, wild hair and heavily lidded eyes. Alexia knew Draco's aunt was fierce and dangerous, she was strongly sadistic and had violent habits, but she was majorly skilled and very loyal to the Dark Lord just like Rufus.
Alexia didn't even bother reading the whole report inside. Instead she looked around the Great Hall to see how everyone else was reacting. Surprisingly, her fellow students did not look overly scared or wary and she wondered why. Ten of the most threatening Death Eaters had escaped Azkaban, but all that was being discussed was homework or Quidditch.
At the staff table, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall looked stressed and were talking, deep in conversation. Professor Umbridge however, looked content as she tucked into a bowl of cereal with the newspaper tossed aside in front of her.

When Tuesday arrived, the mass Azkaban breakout was only just becoming more spoken about, and by Wednesday afternoon, it was the talk of the school. There were even rumors spreading stating that the Death Eaters had been spotted in Hogsmeade.
For the rest of the week, Alexia couldn't help but wonder if she would get a letter from home, but this just made the days feel slower and her wishful thinking soon began to bother her.
"Heard anything yet?" Draco asked her on Friday as they walked to Transfiguration together.
Alexia shook her head.
"I'm sure you'll get a letter by Monday," he said.
"I don't know," Alexia said, "I've been tossed aside a bit lately by my family."
"Don't think like that, Al."
"It's alright," she said, "I just want to forget about it."
"Let's do something tonight then!" Draco said, "It'll get your mind off it."
Alexia stopped and stared at him.
"Er- I mean a gathering or something..." Draco stuttered.
"Oh... yeah, okay."
"I'll let everyone know. Montague will be able to hook us up with some drinks, I'll stop down to the kitchen after lessons for some food and we'll use the party dungeon." Draco said.
"We have Inquisitorial Squad night duty tonight though," Alexia said.
"Can we change it with someone?" Draco asked.
"If there's a party, no one will want to swap, and we're leaders, it's our responsibility to do our duties."
Draco looked at her with shock; he only expected words like that to come out of someone like Hermione Granger's mouth, never Alexia's.
Alexia laughed, "I'm just kidding! This is one of the best chances to be the manipulative and dominating bitch I am. This is why I haven't kicked Pansy Parkinson out of the squad. She's only in it still so I can make her do her duties on the night of a party."
A smirk played on Draco's lips, "I like your thinking." he said.
"So do I." she agreed.

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