Chapter 24 - Spring, Sunsets & Shrivelfigs

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Finally, February came to an end and so did the long three months of winter they had experienced. It was now March and the season of spring. The last of the blanket of white snow had melted away and now lush, green grasses took its place covering the Hogwarts grounds. Buds began appearing on the trees in hope of blossoming soon, and the many blooming flowers of all different colours scented the fresh, crisp air with their lovely perfume.

After a weekend of giving Daphne the cold shoulder in February after Slytherin's victory against Ravenclaw in Quidditch, Alexia was back to being friends with her. Alexia had already lost so many people lately, she was beginning to worry she would end up with absolutely no one like Eva Eskers had predicted.
As for Draco, his plans of trying to go back to the old him who slept with a different girl each week had ended almost as soon as they had begun. He enjoyed one Saturday night with a fourth-year, a few nights later he even scored a snog from a seventh-year, but after that, he couldn't bring himself to do it again because neither of them compared to the very first night of the year.

Draco was walking back from Quidditch training with Crabbe and Goyle one afternoon in mid-March when he cam across Sullivan Fawley who was still seeing Alexia.
"Look who it is, sweetheart Sullivan!" Draco remarked.
"How's it going desirous Draco?" Sullivan said back.
"I like that adjective... desirous... yes, describes me very well." Draco uttered.
"I thought so too," Sullivan agreed.
Draco's lips curled into a small, amused smirk, "So how are things going with you and Burke?" he said quite casually.
"Things are going magnificently, thanks for asking," Sullivan replied, "Good to see you're showing some concern!" he added.
Draco took a step closer, "Oh I'm showing some concern alright," he spoke in a threatening voice.
Crabbe and Goyle also closed in on Sullivan. Usually, once the two closed in on someone, they would immediately back away before they were attacked or similar. However, their victim this time was Sullivan who was not only unafraid of Draco and his gang, he was also very confident of himself and his skills.
"You better be treating her well, Fawley, and you better not be taking advantage of her," Draco darkly remarked.
"Mate, she's not as helpless as you think. She's smart and she can look after herself." Sullivan said. "She'd know if I was taking advantage of her and if I did, she would kill me!"
"She's not the only one," Draco muttered.
"You need to just back off and stay out of her business," Sullivan told Draco.
"As if I'm going to let you tell me what I should do," Draco sneered, "Alexia and I are both Slytherins, I'm just looking out for my own kind, because that's what us Slytherins do. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Alexia doesn't even care about you, Fawley. I mean, you're a Hufflepuff for Merlin's sake!" He said.
Crabbe and Goyle began sniggering at Draco's comment from either side of Sullivan, but they suddenly stopped when he drew out his wand.
Draco laughed at both Crabbe and Goyles cowardice and Sullivan's attempt of being tough. "We're going to have a duel over this?" he said amusingly.
"You seem to think you're the only one in charge around here, so sure, might teach you that you're not." Sullivan said, then he bellowed "Stupefy!" at Draco.
Draco though was expecting this spell and had conjured a blueish, transparent shield which made the stunning spell dissipate at soon as it reached it. Once it had, Draco flicked his wand causing the shield to disappear, and then he waved his wand once more and yelled "Flipendo!" which knocked Sullivan off his feet and onto the floor.
Sullivan quickly grabbed his wand which had fallen out of his hand and rolled onto the floor beside him.
Draco thought his move was enough to finish Sullivan, but before Draco could react, the Hufflepuff muttered a incantation and Draco was being lashed at by an invisible whip. The whip hit hard against Draco's body, numbing his skin. It lashed once across his chest and once across his right arm. It only whipped him twice but it was enough for his skin to burn and throb. Draco winced in pain as he went to move, but he couldn't; it hurt too much.
"At least now you know, Malfoy, you're not as great as you think and you're definitely not the boss around here." Sullivan declared. "See you around."
Draco watched Sullivan turn and walk off, "It's not over," he said even though Sullivan had gone. "What spell was that anyway?" he demanded at Crabbe and Goyle who merely shrugged.

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