Chapter 8 - The Truth Be Told

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"I'll see you later tonight then?" Alexia asked her boyfriend as they entered the Slytherin Dungeon. Blaise looked a little concerned or worried, but Alexia just thought it must have been to do with the run in with Draco Malfoy in the passageway. "You alright?" She added.
"What? Oh, yeah I'm fine." Blaise replied.
"Good." said Alexia, "Well, I have to go plan what to wear tonight and I'll meet you up at the Astronomy Tower later."
"We can go together if you like?"
"Well, I really wanted to choose something nice to wear and surprise you..."
"Oh- yeah, sure!"
"Thanks Blaise."
"You know you don't have to dress too fancy." Blaise quietly said.
"But I want too. Are you sure you're okay?"
"Alright, well I'll see you soon!" Alexia said then kissed Blaise quickly on the lips.
"Sounds good." Blaise replied after kissing her back then watching her depart for her dormitory.


Alexia sat on her four-poster surrounded by clothes that had been thrown everywhere.
"What are you looking for?" Daphne asked from her bed where she lay flipping through a copy of the Daily Prophet.
"That yellow blouse to go with this skirt!" Alexia said frustratedly, snatching up a skirt from her bed. The skirt was yellow and had small blue and orange flowers printed on it. It was a beautiful and smart skirt that was very much Alexia's style; expensive and classy.
"Oh that blouse with the frills down the front?" Pansy asked turning around from brushing her hair beside the dresser.
"Yes, that one! I swear I brought it!" Alexia whined.
Pansy put her hairbrush down and opened one of the drawers of the dresser. She fiddled around a little before taking out a canary yellow blouse. "This one?" She asked Alexia.
Alexia gasped, "Yes! That's the one! Pansy I love you!" She said taking the top from Pansy then giving her a tight hug.
"Why are you making such a fuss over this Alexia? You've been on a date with Blaise before!" Daphne asked from over the newspaper she was still reading.
Alexia was now taking off her Slytherin robes, "This is special!" She exclaimed throwing her robes onto pile of clothes on her bed, "Blaise and I have been discussing things all week. After tonight, everything is going to be perfect!" she said dreamily, now taking off her tie and unbottoning her shirt.
"Wait, what do you mean?" Daphne asked a little concerned.
"Oh no! You know I'm not ready for that! No, after tonight Blaise said we'll start afresh. I'll be the old me and he'll be fine with it." said Alexia smiling.
"Good for you both!" Daphne said.
"Thanks Daph."
"Alexia you'll be freezing!" Pansy remarked as Alexia buttoned up the yellow blouse, "Here," She said taking one of Alexia's many coats.
Alexia took the navy blue coat from her. It was one of her warmest coats and the colour matched the flowers on her skirt perfectly. "Great!" She said twirling around and admiring her outfit.
"You look great!" Daphne complimented.
"Blaise will love it!" Pansy told Alexia who gave a little, excited squeal.
"Well, come on Al, lets go up for dinner." Pansy said, grabbing a jacket.
"What? No, I can't!" Alexia gasped.
"What? Why?"
"I told Blaise I wanted to surprise him with a nice outfit and he's probably down there now! I'm not hungry anyway."
"Well, suit yourself, I'm starved!" Pansy said, "If I don't see you before you leave, good luck on your date!"
"Thank you Pansy and thanks for finding my top. You're a great friend, and I'm glad everything between us is good now."
Pansy smiled, "Me too."
There was a small, quiet pause. The only noise was from Daphne who was putting away her issue of the Prophet.
"Well, I'm hungry. You coming Daph?" Pansy asked.
"I'll meet you in the Great Hall, I just need to get changed." Daphne said.
"Okay!" Pansy called then left to the Common Room.

"Daphne, can I ask something?" Alexia asked quietly.
"Sure." Daphne replied, pulling on a pair of blue jeans.
Alexia slowly exhaled, "You don't think it's weird that Blaise and I haven't told each other we love each other yet?" She said.
Daphne started unbuttoning her school shirt and looked at Alexia, "No, of course not. When the time's right, the time's right, yeah?"
"Yeah. I mean, we're young still and all but after spending time with Blaise this week, I think I want to tell him the three words."
"Al! That's great! You should!"
"Yes! I am one-hundred percent sure that he'll say it back too! He cherishes you Alexia. He practically praises the ground you walk on!"
Alexia laughed, "I think I'm going to say it." She said making up her mind.
Daphne smiled, "Now I'm heading off, see you later!"

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