Chapter 30 - Easter Break

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Fred and George Weasley's escape from Hogwarts was continuously discussed throughout the school over the next few days. It had also caused many of the students to become more rebellious. They stood up for themselves around Professor Umbridge and the Inquisitorial Squad, and some even attempted to sabotage the school and school property; in most cases, they were successful too.

The swamp in the corridor still couldn't be removed, so Filch now had the duty of assisting the students through the busy and messy hallway.

Luckily though, many of the students were leaving on Wednesday morning for Easter break, including Alexia and Draco.

Narcissa Malfoy greeted the two at Kings Cross Station in London, and they arrived at Malfoy Manor quite late in the evening.

"Alexia, dear, leave your things here. I've had your usual bedroom cleaned and the bed's been made, but come have some supper. You two must be famished." Narcissa said kindly.

"Thank you, Narcissa." Alexia replied with a warm, grateful smile. Then she followed Narcissa and Draco to the beautiful dining room.

Alexia absolutely loved the dining room in the Malfoy Manor. It brought back so many wonderful memories from when Draco and her were younger, and it was a grand space, to say at the least. Alexia hadn't been in the room since the very beginning of the school year, when her and her mother came to travel to Kings Cross Station with the Malfoys. The room was quite similar to the Burke dining room, however the interior design and decor was much darker. The walls of the dining room were covered with an exquisite dark wallpaper, and situated grandly in the middle of the room was the carved oak table. Down the centre of the table was a runner with a Slytherin inspired design woven in gold and green into the fabric, and in the centre of the table there was a polished candelabra holding smooth, white candles.

Narcissa swished her wand and a tray of sandwiches, two plates and two goblets of pumpkin juice appeared on the table. She sat down, leaving the seat at the end which was usually Lucius's. Draco sat across from her and Alexia sat beside him.

"Help yourselves," Narcissa told them.

Draco held the tray out for Alexia.

"Thank you," she said, taking a sandwich.

Draco took one for himself and then put the tray back in the centre of the table.

They ate their sandwiches in silence and when someone eventually spoke, it was a strained, polite conversation. They discussed their exam dates, Quidditch and then finally, their fathers. It was a topic Alexia was trying to avoid, but she knew at some stage it was bound to come up.

"Lucius is taking care of some things for the Dark Lord but he should be back by Saturday evening," Narcissa told Alexia who had finally found the courage to ask where Lucius was.

"You don't happen to think he might be with my father, do you?" she asked hopefully.

Narcissa paused, "He- he might be, yes," she said, "but I'm not certain. He didn't tell me much of where he was going, sorry, Alexia."

"Oh, it's okay, I just wondered."

"Did you let your mother know you were staying here?" asked Narcissa.

Alexia looked down at her lap, "I... no, I didn't."

"Alexia!" Narcissa exclaimed. "Why on earth did you not?"

"I thought she'd get angry..." Alexia mumbled, "...and then she would probably invite herself over also and I don't mean to be disrespectful to her, but she's not exactly the person I want to see right now."

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