Chapter 7 - Draco's Nightmare

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"You really think she wouldn't have forgiven me?" The deep, loud voice bellowed. "The good and handsome boy I am?"

Draco sat in silence looking up at dark brown eyes and defined cheekbones that put chills in the air.

"You never believed I could ever become one of you supreme Slytherins, Malfoy. The fame, the glory; what you have." The voice spat. "It was you who once told me that you're nothing until you're talked about, but now with this scandal I will become more talked about than you and Burke put together."

"You'll never get away with this Zabini!" Draco yelled, though his voice sounded like a faint whisper.

Blaise Zabini wickedly laughed, flashing his white-teeth in the faint light coming from his wand, "I'm not scared of you Malfoy."

"You used her!" Draco said angrily through his teeth. He wanted to for hurt Zabini so bad, but he was defenceless. He had no wand and he was alone. He was nothing.

"Sure I did, but I still got her. The perfect Alexia Burke." Zabini said with an evil grin.

Draco was now shaking with rage as the last echoing words of Zabini were spoken through the darkness: "There's nothing you can do, Malfoy!"


Draco awoke in the Hosptial wing in a hot sweat, gasping for air. Shaken by what he realised was a nightmare, he got up and quietly crept to the Hospital Wing bathroom. The cold tiles greeted his bare feet relievingly, as he reached the taps under a fragile mirror. He turned the silver taps and let the cold water run for a few minutes as he studied his reflection in the mirror. A boy with white-blond hair, a pale and soft complexion and grey mysterious eyes stared back at him. The boy was superior. He was a leader; clever and quick-whitted. But the mirror didn't show beyond this reflection, it didn't show what was on the inside of this supposedly confident boy. He clutched onto the sink for support. Something flashed before him; a blemish-free face, two blue-green eyes with long lashes, and dark blond hair flying in the breeze. Then just like that, the image it was gone.

Shifting his attention back to the running tap, Draco banished his thoughts. He'd become good at things like that seeing as he was a Malfoy and had a reputation to uphold. He had no time for thoughts and feelings, just like he had no time for girlfriends, and no time to be thinking of Alexia Burke and how she kissed him on the cheek. It probably meant nothing anyway. He clenched his eyes shut, splashed water onto his face, awakening him, then, not daring to look back up at the mirror, he turned and returned to the Hospital Wing.

After Madam Pomfrey had given Draco the all clear to leave, he got changed out of his pyjamas and headed for Breakfast in the Great Hall. It might have only been the second week of November and still Autumn, but the Hogwarts grounds were covered in a thin blanket of snow. Draco glimpsed out of a window as he walked the hallways, and saw all of the familiar features that had disappeared overnight, hidden under a white coverlet. As Draco passed through the school, he noticed many people were staring at him. Almost the entire school had seen the conflict at the Slytherin-Gryffindor Quidditch match the day before and there were definitely many reactions it had left on everyone. A group of Hufflepuff boys sniggered at him (he gave them a deathly glare, sending them scurrying away) and two Gryffindor girls angrily stared at him, obviously mad that he had gotten both their Seeker and both Beaters banned from their team, he grimaced at them but that didn't stop them from staring.

Just as he had reached the Great Hall, he was stopped by a Slytherin girl called Lauren, who was in the year above him and had long and brown hair that she wore in a side braid.

"Draco Malfoy," she said, putting an emphasis on his last name.

"Lauren, hey."

"Bad luck out there yesterday. We deserved to win." said Lauren.

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