Full name: Jakki Tuus
Age: Fifteen years old
Blood type: AB
Natural hair color: Black
Natural eye color: Red, seems to glow when angered
Height: About Five foot, maybe less just imagine her short
Likes: Kendo, karate, taekwondo, sports, sweets, animals, to protect her friends, for everyone to be happy, reading, writing, singing, playing instruments, listening to music, making music, nature,children, video games, etc.
Dislikes: Bullying, fighting without reason, ignorant or arrogant people, girly clothes, makeup, being called "cute" or "small", being woken up, socialising, animal abusers, when her friends are sad, when her friends get hurt, worrying people, being in crowds for too long, when people hear her sing, losing in anything (rarely happens), etc.Status: One of the richest families out there (family owns multiple businesses)
Strange Facts: She can change her appearance just by thinking about it and also height.
She also specialises in FX makeup
She is VERY good at martial arts
Plays all instruments and loves to sing
She also loves swimming, mostly in natural places.
Very good with children
Really good at video games
Rarely ever cries
Has a six pack

The Changer | Ohshc | Rewriting Completely
FanfictionJakki Tuus is special. Not because she's the daughter of one of the most richest families in the world, not because her intelligence surpasses even the smartest of people, and not because she can win in almost any fight that's thrown at her. Its act...