Jax watched as Haruhi leaned against a tree as Mori and Hani cornered her, rain pouring down dramatically. "Don't, Mitsukuni. Everytime you hurt others, you're the one who ends up being hurt." Mori advised.
"Don't try giving me advice, Takashi. You want me to put you over my knee again?" Hani threatened, his bangs shrouded his eyes and cast a shadow over his face. "I hate it when people try to rise above their own station in life." He continued but suddenly he flung himself onto Haruhi and began to cry. "Haru-Chan, I'm sorry! I really can't do this!" Hani cried while latching onto Haruhi.
"Cut!" Renge yelled multiple times. "You there, stick to the script!" She continued and then began to shout instructions to the crew.
"Tch." Jax scoffed as he had declined any part of this movie. He watched as two figures towered over Renge and Haruhi as Renge lectured on about some confrontation for the movie. Suddenly, one of the guys grabbed ahold of Renge and pushed her, alerting Jax about the commotion as he was already making his way towards there.
"Look out!" Haruhi yelled as she ran out to catch Renge from hitting the wall. Both Renge and Haruhi braced themselves for the pain that would come after they slammed into the side of the school but nothing came, they both cautiously opened their eyes to find that Jax had grabbed ahold of them both in each of his arms and took the blow.
Jax gently dropped the two girls as his legs shaked and he tried his best to contain the pain, he could feel that his prior wounds had reopened and were beginning to leak blood. "Well, that hurt like a bitch." Jax forced out a laugh. But his focus was pulled towards Haruhi who sat against the wall, a hand against her eye and her hair over her face.
"Those boys are right. Renge-Chan, if you judge people by stereotypes, you won't ever be able to see what's really important." Haruhi stated. Renge stood before her, convinced Haruhi was the one that was hurt and that had "saved" her. Jax held in his grunts of pain, almost left motionless but he pushed himself through it.
"I'm not sure I understand what you mean." Renge said worriedly.
"Haruhi! What happened?" Tamaki shouted as he turned the corner.
"Well, better late than never." Jax muttered, still managing to push out some sarcasm.
Haruhi turned her head, a tear pooled out of one of her eyes to which Tamaki misunderstood. Fast as light, Tamaki clutched one of the guy's collars and pushed him against the wall. "Which one of you started this?" Tamaki asked threatenly.
"Wait, Suou! She's the one who started giving us a hard time!" The other panicked.
"Its true, senpai. Those boys aren't at fault." Haruhi interjected to which Tamaki dropped the boy and ran towards her. They, smartly, ran away. Haruhi continued to cry as Tamaki held her face in his hands.
"Haruhi, does it hurt?" Tamaki asked, obviously very worried but made Jax want to roll his eyes but his eyes were beginning to water from the pain as well.
"Yeah, its my contact." Haruhi stated, showing her finger that held it. "It slipped out." To which Tamaki began to laugh.
"Well, once you cry without using eye drops, you're a full-fledged host." Tamaki continued to laugh.
Then, Renge said something and there was the sound of breaking glass but all of it was beginning to sound like nothing but muffled voices to Jax as his ears began to ring and his vision was getting blurry from the tears that pooled in them. The pain was getting worse enough that Jax let out a groan and his legs finally gave out as he fell to the ground. "I guess I'm a full-fledged host as well, then." He managed to muster out as he looked up, blinked out the tears in his eyes, and they made their way down his cheeks. Haruhi gasped as she had forgotten about Jax saving them from all the commotion.
Tamaki, Haruhi, Renge, and Kyoya ran towards his crumpled state. Mori, Hani, Hikaru, and Kaoru not being there because they didn't even know what was going on. "I think the cuts on my back reopened when I hit the wall, the push didn't really have that much force but I think the weight of Haruhi and Renge must have made it worse." Jax groaned out. "For some reason, this hurts more than when it happened the first time but I don't think I'm losing as much blood as before or else I would have fainted by now." He continued.
"We need to get you to the hospital!" Haruhi cried, Kyoya already beginning to type in the number on his phone. Jax reached up and grabbed his phone before he could press dial and canceled it.
"It's fine. Just help me up and get me to the infirmary, all I need is for my cuts to be cleaned and rebandaged." Jax stated as he began to get off the ground, the others quickly reacting as Tamaki and Kyoya grabbed each of his arms and held him up. Making their way towards the infirmary with Renge and Haruhi following behind both guilty and worried. As the turned the corner, the other four finally took notice and rushed as fast as they could to them.
"What happened?" Hikaru asked, his voice frantic.
"We'll tell you later, trying to get to the infirmary right now." Tamaki answered. Mori pushed them aside and scooped Jax up in his arms just like before.
"Well, this is embarrassing." Jax said as they all quickly hustled as fast as they could. It being a little harder for Hani since he was already crying but kept up just fine.
Jax hissed quietly in pain as Kyoya cleaned the cuts on his back with alcohol. The back of his shirt was pulled up to reveal his back and rested on his shoulders. The others stood close by, filling the four who weren't there of what happened. Haruhi doing most of the talking.
"You're really something, aren't you? Keeping Haruhi and Renge from getting hurt even though you knew you were already injured and it would do much more damage to you than to them." Kyoya said as he gently dabbed at the cuts.
"Never said I was smart." Jax shrugged.
"Oh, but, you are. Very much so, actually or else you wouldn't be an honor student after all. Your selflessness just seems to overshadow that." Kyoya continued.
"That a bad thing?" Jax asked sarcastically.
"Hmm, for you yes but for others...well let's just say they'll be grateful." Kyoya answered truthfully which made Jax chuckle.
"I guess I would a certain extent."

The Changer | Ohshc | Rewriting Completely
FanfictionJakki Tuus is special. Not because she's the daughter of one of the most richest families in the world, not because her intelligence surpasses even the smartest of people, and not because she can win in almost any fight that's thrown at her. Its act...