Chapter 1

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She loved this place. She loved going this place. The red steam engine, gold letters and designs: she loved every bit. Except this.

Hogwarts students were being forced to go back to due to the' Marriage Law'. It was supposed to choose your ideal husband or wife and be pregnant. It was enforced to replenish the wizarding blood lost. The only part she hated was the forced marriages and pregnancies.

Ron and Harry hated it, too. They wanted to go straight into auror training after the war but were forced to finish their education. Many other students felt the same way.

Many people had changed, after the war. Harry and Ginny were clingy-er, Ron was more over protective and sexual, Neville was... Hotter?

"I don't understand this 'Marriage Law' stuff. Do you?" Ron asked, swinging our hands. "The ministry is selfish and wants wizarding blood to be replenished. Why?" I asked, turning to him. "Well, I don't know why McGonagall agreed to it." He replied quickly, turning to look away.

The train ride to Hogwarts was longer than it had previously been. She just couldn't wait to see who her ideal husband was at Hogwarts. Sure, her match could've been a Slytherin but it wasn't going to be, was it?

She hoped off the train, anxious to get inside. She bumped into a certain mercury-eyed someone. "Opp! I'm sorry!" He apologized, helping her up. "You do realize I'm a muggle-born, right?" She sneered in his direction. "I don't want to be branded by my parent's decisions through me." He replied simply and ran after Blaise, leaving a dumbfounded Hermione.

~*~ ~*~

The feast began. In the middle of the feast the headmistress stood up to make an announcement. "Will the seventh years stay after for a few minutes after the meal?" She asked shakily. She got a few nods and groans and moans. The law was about to be enforced.

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