Chapter 28

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Well, just great. Great! My former crush, Percy Jackson stood outside my door as I was engaged and teary-eyed. Amazing!

"Hermione, is this a bad time or-?" Percy started ask. "No!" I hissed pulling him inside and locking the door again.

"So, Percy, why are you here?" I asked, walking around the bed to sit on my side. He sat on a desk chair nearby. "Well, there's a huge monster here that I was sent to defeat, but not only that, but the most dangerous Egyptian wizard is attending this school, so my buddy Carter Kane and his sister Sadie should be here soon to take him on with Jason and me," he explained, taking a breath. "Wow," was all I had to say, looking around the room awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck. The words Egyptian wizard, dangerous, and this school played in my head over and over. "Who do you think it is?" I asked, piecing everything together. "Well, you aren't going to like this, but..."


After my long talk with Percy, I took a shower, changed into a white blouse, jeans, and some brown boots:

After my long talk with Percy, I took a shower, changed into a white blouse, jeans, and some brown boots:

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I walked up the spiral staircase to the common rooms. Walking through private dinning areas, a mini arcade, a living room and an entertainment cubicles, I finally left the dorm.

I walked aimlessly throughout the castle, scanning previously built memory-ridden sections, thinking of past and present conversation scenes.

"I love you, 'Mione, I hope you know that?" Draco asked her. Hermione just nodded, setting her head in her hands. "I'm sorry, Draco, I shouldn't have burdened you," Hermione said, standing up and sling-shotting tears everywhere. "No, don't leave, please!" Draco reached out for her hand, but she was already at the door. She looked back and saw tears welling in his eyes. "I'm sorry," she whispered so softly Draco could barely hear it. "Goodbye, love," Draco frowned, but the door just slammed. He grimaced and cried himself to sleep.

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