Chapter 13

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We pulled John out of the water and dried him with a charm. "Who conjured that?" He gasped. Draco looked fairly surprised. "He grew up with me. It's not like Voldemort hasn't been to my neighborhood." I reasoned, and kept drying John. "When did you get so pretty, 'Mione?" John asked, voice slurred as if he was drunk. I understood this because he was already sick, and the water didn't help. What I didn't understand what was happened next.

John kissed me.

This was Draco's breaking point. "Why, Hermione! Whenever I'm with you, you get kissed or something else sexual! Why?" He yelled, standing up and apparating away. "Why did he leave?" Was heavy-lidded John next to me. I just levitated him into the house.

~*~                       ~*~

I couldn't remember what happened or why I was in a windowless, white room. I also couldn't remember where my boyfriend was. But John, my mom, my dad, Pansy, Ron, and Harry were there.

"What happened, guys?" I mumbled, but they couldn't hear me. I made a motion to a pen and paper with my hand and a nurse gave them to me.

'What happenade?" I couldn't spell. What was wrong with me. "You were attacked by a dark wizard. Where was Draco?" Harry rushed. ''E lefgt. I dun knuw wur!' I wrote back. "You don't know where?" Ron asked, tears streaming down his face. 'Wus wong?' I wrote down. "You were cursed, Hermione." It was a different voice than usual. "Druca?' I wrote to Harry. He nodded.

"I know who did it." Harry and Ron glared at him. "Who?" Pansy asked frantically. "It was..."

I know this was a short one but cliffhanger! Hahahahhaha! Sorry for not updating as much or having not as long chapters.

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