Chapter 6

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2 hours later I was still watching TV. Right now, I'm watching 'Dance moms', an American drama dance show. Then, I heard a knock on the door.

"'Mione?" I heard someone ask. I knew exactly who it was. "Harry? I'm here." I said softly. He walked in and the room and the bed changed to a large, comfy couch. "Why did you leave class?" He asked, sitting down. "Freaking gingers and Slytherins, that's why." I growled. "Hey, Ron just loves you and will do anything for you." Harry smiled. "He'll leave me alone?" I retorted. "Touché." Harry replied, turning to the TV. "Abby is an ass!" Harry cried after a few minutes. "Hey! No need to point out the obvious!" I giggled.

~*~ ~*~

After about 5 hours of watching TV it was time for dinner. So, Harry and I met up with Ron and headed to the Great Hall.

"Students! I have decided to have a ball. No reason. I just think you should have some sort of joy in your life. Enjoy." McGonagall declared, making food appear.

"A ball? Do I have to go with Draco?" I whined, grabbing the potatoes in front of me. Damn my Irish-ness. "Yeah, I think." Ron replied, shoving his mouth with chicken. I giggled a little bit. "This is a little like first year." I pointed out and he lowered his chicken when Astoria strutted over to us. "What the hell do you want?" I snarled. "My baby, Won-won!" She responded as if I already knew. "Get on with it then." Harry growled at her. Ron looked at us apologetically as he was dragged away. We laughed and continued our conversation.

Dinner was short. I think that it was so people could continue a whole bunch of- I won't finish that... All I know is I will procrastinate that until I'm married. As the fire was going out, I said my goodbyes to Harry and Ron, then made my way to my room. But I could hear someone already in there. So, I silently opened the door and flicked on the lights with my wand. It was Astoria and Draco! "You ignorant bastard! You don't think I'm good enough!" I yelled, slammed the door and ran over to Ron's room. "Do you know what their doing?" I asked fastly and loudly. "No... Come in and explain." He patted right next to me and his face never left my face. "They were doing... Uh... It." I whispered, fiddling with my hands. Ron definitely wasn't a virgin but I definitely was. "Oh. Well, I might have to break them up. Is that what you wanted?" He asked, color flooding to his cheeks. "Uhh, you don't have to. I just was so angry! Loyal my arse!" I yelled and slammed my fist on the bed. "'Mione! Calm your shi-" Harry walked in. "Harry!" We both exclaimed and stood up. He looked extremely disheveled. "I just hexed Astoria, but Draco kept humping me! It must have been a Wizard Wheezes because when I gave him the purple thing on his nightstand, he stopped. " Harry gasped, and Ron looked like he was going to kill the ferret. "Thanks, Harry." I smiled. "Oh, don't get me wrong. It was for me." He smiled.

~*~ ~*~

"So, Astoria, have you stopped? Or are you just all pooped from trying?" I whined at her when she sat with Ron. "No. I have Draco right there but I just have to shove you a little first." She said angrily. "Uh... move." Ron said sitting down. He shoved her down the row so that she hit Goyle and fell on the floor. "Hm... Like that?" I laughed. She shrieked and ran out of the hall. "Class, 'Mione." Draco mourned in my ear and rubbing my back a little before walking away. My cheeks flushed a bit. "Does someone like Draco?" Harry gasped. "Guys... I..." I stammered. "Give me five galleons, git!" Harry exclaimed to Ron. I stared at both of them as Ron frowned and handed Harry the gold. "Guys! Really? Childish?" I asked in a motherly tone. "Bloody hell, 'Mione! We'll never be royals!" He referenced a muggle song I made him listen to over the summer. "Yeah, yeah. Just eat." I replied.

~*~                                ~*~

"Hey, Draco? Draco? DRACO! DRACO MALFOY!" I screamed through the bathroom door. "What?" He replied through the door. "I still need a shower. I'm coming in." I said, setting my pajamas and towel on the sink next to his and began to undress. "Auguamenti." I turned the shower on with my wand. The showers were set up so that they were just tiles until a student said the water spell and a tile would transfigure into a shower head. There were two in each stall. With our bums to each other, we washed our hair. I know what he was doing instead of taking a shower. Wanking off to some girl in the porn magazines from that new shop in Hogsmeade. We washed in silence until I dropped my soap. "I'll get it!" We exclaimed in unison. We both bent down but I slipped and fell onto him. "Oop! I'm sorry!" I said, trying to get up, but his hands were snakes onto my waist already. "Leaving so soon, Granger?" He asked, leaning in for a kiss. I did t complain.

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