Chapter 16

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"She is a whore," I heard someone whisper as a walked by. "Wow, classic," I say, not forgetting the sarcasm. "Thanks," the girl replied, obviously a Ravenclaw whore. "Watch who you're calling a whore," I said, and walked off.

~*~ ~*~

For the rest of the day, nobody besides Draco, Harry and Ron would come near me the rest of the day.

"Why is everyone avoiding me?" I said, a little angrily, as I sat down for dinner. "Well, you told Matilda Bathort to watch who she's calling a whore, and everyone knows about it," Ron said sheepishly. "What's so big about her?" I asked, a little more than angry this time. "She's in a sex ring, and if you told anyone about it she would be expelled and put into Azkaban with no further say," Harry said. "That's stupid! The wizarding world has no women's rights? Rubish ," I said, shoving piles of mashed potatoes on my plate. "I agree," Draco said. "No fair trial? It's like the 1900's America!" I proclaimed. The boys looked confused. "Muggle history thing," I said, putting chicken on my plate.

~*~ ~*~

Later, I was so pissed, I actually made an announcement.

"Look, you ignorant arses! I won't expose any of you in that horrible sex ring because I'm a good two shoes, I'm doing it because women's rights is going to happen," I said, standing on top of a couch. Some cheered. Some blushed, very deeply. "It's okay, I won't give names," I smiled, getting more cheers and less tomato-looking friends.

~*~ ~*~

When I got into bed, I was exhausted. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I feel asleep, dreaming of the revolution to come.


Hey guys. Two updates in 1 day! Woohoo!

Should I take off the *on hold* on the title?

This chapter is dedicated to @tatanoni because she pushed for this chapter. I'll be in Universal Studios next week Friday through Monday so expect a bunch of updates on Thursday during the drive down there! Bye!

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