Chapter 3

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"Hey! 'Mione? Where'd you go Hermione?" Harry called. "Here!" I mumbled, opening the door to the broom closet. "'Mione, you can't run. Even though he is Malfoy, the sorting hat can't be wrong!" Harry smiled at me, making me laugh.

"Harry, it sorted you with Ginny. I thought you liked Ron! How can it be right!?" I cried. "Hermione! Keep it down! Yeah, I like him, but he doesn't love me so it wouldn't be right!" Harry frowned, and so did I. "I don't love Malfoy, and he doesn't love me. Why are we together?" I asked and Harry shook his head. "Dunno, but we can't just meddle over who we got sorted with, let's go to the common room," Harry grabbed my hand and guided me out of the broom cupboard.

"Kissing other people before you get tied down, huh, Granger?" A voice snarled behind me. "Malfoy..." I growled and turned around, stopping in my wake. "What are you going to do about it, Granger?" Draco laughed at me. I ran over to him and punched him square in the mouth. "Maybe that will shut you up." I rolled my eyes and wove my way back to Harry and grabbed hold of his hand.

"Woah- doing it in third year and doing it again this year!" Harry chuckled and I couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Well, here's the 'special' common room." Harry sighed.

"Don't tell me we have to do classes?" Ron mumbled to us. I took a glance at Harry and a blush crept up to his cheeks. "Yes, Ronald. We need these classes from the ministry." I rolled my eyes and nudged Harry. "Yeah, at least no Umbridge," Harry chuckled. "Bloody hell, you're right!" Ron called, slapping Harry on his shoulder and running over to his match, Astoria Greengrass. She is the the brunette, female rich version of Ron.

"I really like him..." Harry sighed, his whole upper body drooping. "It's okay, Scar-head. I think he really likes you, he just doesn't know." I'm smiled back at him.

"HARRY! THERE YOU ARE!" Seamus Finnagan roared, drunk as any partying Irishman. "Uhh... Yeah?" Harry smiled at the sight of a tipsy Seamus. Then, Seamus did the unthinkable; he kissed Harry. Passionately, at that. I just stood there, watching, still clasping Harry's hand. Harry pulled away and I heard a gasp. A certain red head ran past Harry and I down to the sleeping quarters. "Ron!" Harry called and raced after our fire-crotched best friend. Ah- let the drama begin.

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