Chapter 9

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I plugged in my headphones. Harry was doing Ron next door and I really didn't want to hear them. "Hey, babe." Draco shook me. "Hmm?" I took one of the ear buds out. He held out the lingerie he just bought me. I sighed and put it on. I laid back down and cuddled into his side. I smiled contently as I went to sleep.

~*~ ~*~

"I'm tired, 'Mione..." Ron yawned. "Shouldn't of shagged all night, should you?" I countered. I was waiting for the public loos to open up. All of the 8 year ones are broken. Here I am, pajama-clad 'Mione, toothbrush and paste in hand, sitting in the washroom line. "I'll sneak you in!" Pansy whispered and dragged me away by my arm in .2 seconds. "Pansy! You can do that!" I exclaimed. "I can to, no one else has said I can't." She toughened up and made a face at one of the Hufflepuffs. She started bawling and ran. "See! A spot opened up!" She smiled and I rolled my eyes.

~*~ ~*~

"I understand you are late for class because of your washrooms, but no need to be cranky!" The new teacher said. Neville, his teacher's assist nodded. Who knew Neville would be a Herbology professor? Then, a muggle born's phone went off. "Who's was that?" Professor Arnold asked. Pansy's boyfriend raised his hand, red as a radish. I snorted a little. He looked over and rolled his eyes. "Oh! Look at the time. Class, dismissed!" He said. "Babe, I learned French!" Draco exclaimed, coming from communications with other wizards class. It was only offered to 8th years. "Gimme a line." I dared. "Je suis anglaise et Ron? Casse-toi!" He exclaimed. "Draco! Rude!" I smacked his arm as we headed off to General 8th year.

~*~ ~*~

How to: Children Edition

Was the title of the book on Draco and I 's desk. "How many children do you want?" Draco asked manuscriptually. "2. A boy and a girl. Simple." I shrugged. "I want 4, but that's just my father in my head. I want 2 as well. I don't mind the gender." He smiled.

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