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Disclaimer: Any foreign languages used in this chapter and throughout the story as a whole may not be entirely correct. I used Google translate and had the chapter proof read by a friend who speaks the language I used but it still may not be entirely correct.

ALSO. A handful (but not all) of the characters in this story are based off of people that I know and am friends with IN REAL LIFE and this story is FOR them. So if some of the characters seem a bit's because they are.

Chris makes sure his suitcase is completely shut so nothing could fall out of it, then he shoves it into one of the storage compartments below the bus. He shuts the compartment, then stands from the kneeling position he'd been in. He looks around a moment, taking in Pennsylvania for a few more minutes before he'd have to leave. The sun was setting, but the air was still warm, as it was June. A few small, glowing, yellow specks of light appeared in random places throughout the air. Fireflies. Memories of childhood suddenly came to Chris; memories of running outside to his back yard to catch the little specks of light and having competitions with the neighborhood kids to see who could catch the most. Those times were a lot simpler...

Chris comes back to reality and regains his composure. He double-checks the storage compartments to make sure they're shut all the way, then makes his way onto the tour bus where the rest of his band mates and crew awaited him.

A few small flags or decorations for various sports teams hung up in random places about the bus. Everything from Tampa Bay Lightning to the Dallas Cowboys to the Chicago Bulls. Even a few WWE souvenirs since the band was friends with some of the wrestlers and divas. The bus smelled heavily of coffee and pumpkin spice, which were lovely now, but in a couple of months those scents would be combined with the smells of sweat, nail polish and hairspray. That would make it a bit less pleasant.

(A/N: The description of the bus here is based off of the 'Bus Invaders' video.) The interior of the bus was made mostly of a dark, brown, glossy wood with two white leather couches that sat parallel, facing each other. There were also two white leather chairs at either end of a small, brown, wooden table that sat toward the back of the living area. Two large televisions were perched on either wall, above each couch. Toward the back was a small kitchen area with cabinets made of the same wood as the rest of the bus interior; complete with a refrigerator, freezer, microwave, oven, stove top, coffee maker, toaster, and sink. A good majority of their food didn't need to be refrigerated, so it sat on the granite counter top next to the sink.

Beyond the living room was the bathroom and shower, then the bunk room with a grand total of twelve bunks; one for each member of the band and crew. Then, in the very back of the bus was the small back lounge, which was predominantly used as another storage area or closet, or once in a while, a sleeping area if the band per chance had one too many crew members or guests with them.

Chris stands at the front of the bus. Some of the band and crew were playing video games, others conversing, others doing their own thing; everyone as up in the front lounge though. Chris smiles and clasps his tattooed hands together.

"Alrighty then. Everyone who is ready to leave, say 'I'."

"I." Everyone choruses.

"Those opposed?"


"Awesome. To Warped Tour! Onward!" Chris cheers.

The bus begins to move. Chris plops down on one of the couches and lets out a content sigh.

"We've got a lot of friends on the lineup this year, right?" Balz asks, taking a seat at the table with a Coke in hand.

"Yeah, but there's also a lot of bands this year that I've never even heard of." Chris says.

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