Chapter 15

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There was a concert tonight. The show was sold out and the venue was a good size. The bands were in the middle of a meet 'n' greet and everything was going great. Fans got to talk to members of both bands and some fans even went over to talk to the crew. TYI fans even got pictures with Mara because she was so well known. Mara was also running around taking pictures for the fans like a mom at her kid's soccer game.

A couple of fans approach Chris and ask him to sign the poster that the fans were given for the meet 'n' greet. Chris of course agrees to sign it for them.

"So, can we ask you something really quick?" One of them asks.

"Of course." Chris says with a smile.

"Well, we're not sure how much you guys look at what fans say about you on social media, but there's sort of a fan war going on right now."

"Yeah, it seems like half of the fans think you're dating Hunter DeMonic and the other half think you're dating Blake LaClarke."

Chris raises his eyebrows, "Really." He states, "Well, they're both really amazing people and I'm great friends with both of them, but I'm not dating either of them."

"Okay. Sorry, we didn't mean to pry, we were just wondering."

"No, it's okay. I'm definitely not dating either of them though."

The fans nod and walk away.

Chris sighs, "Unfortunately." He says to himself.

Chris still couldn't get his head straight and decide whether or not he wanted to be with Hunter or Blake.


TYI's performance was great as usual. Hunter was in only a half shirt and shorts and had painted her entire torso the colors of the Transgender Pride flag and over that had the words WE SUPPORT in big, bold letters. She also had her hair in pigtails and wore scrunchies of the Transgender Pride colors. Everyone in Motionless admired Hunter's "controversial" outfits. The night before, she'd gone on stage in a "Black Lives Matter" T-shirt. The night before, she wore a faux leather jacket and on the back of it were the words "Girls in Hijabs are Beautiful". The night before that, a shirt that read "God Loves Gays".

The rest of TYI were excellent as well and often took opportunities to wear outfits that could be considered "controversial" as well. They were great at being in the moment with the audience while playing their instruments and not messing up, and Mara was good with the tech part of the concert too. If for some reason an amp or piece of equipment wasn't working, the band would keep going, but one in the audience may see Mara run onto stage, and fix what needed to be fixed before running backstage. Considering how much of a ditz Mara was in the rest of her daily life, she was pretty good at that part.

Hunter was great at directing the crowd and definitely took advantage of the fact that she had sex appeal, as did the rest of the members of the band. Blake did some backup vocals, but that was the most that Chris had ever heard Blake sing...

Chris was watching from backstage as TYI played. Mara walks up to him.

"You're staring." She says, referring to Chris looking at Hunter and Blake so much.

"What? I am not."

"Mhm. I may be blind at times, but I sure can see."

Chris blinks, "That makes zero sense."

"I know you are, but what am I?"


"Oh, wait, that's the response to a different line. You're pretty predictable and I usually know what you're going to say."

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