Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: Any Spanish used in this chapter may not be entirely correct.

The MIW guys walk into TYI's RV.

"Hello, estrogen bus." Chris greets.

Tag, You're It's RV was basically your typical RV that didn't have much to it because the band couldn't currently afford to renovate it. There was a couch with a floral pattern that looked like it belonged in an eighty-year-old woman's house. However, when they bought this RV, Mara hated how the couch looked, so she took black spray paint and wrote FUCK ZONE on it. Across from the couch was a small table with two chairs on either side of it. Towards the back was a small kitchen area with cupboards, a counter, utensils, a microwave and a mini fridge. Beyond that was the bathroom, a very small closet space, and the bunk room that had six bunks. Around the bus were colored Christmas lights and various posters and decorations.

Alice speaks up, "It's not a bus; it' an RV. Because someone -

"Oh, will you quit that already? God, you're a bitch." Hunter says.

"It's my job as one of your best friends to make your life complicated at times like this."

"Well, you're sure doing a Hell of a job."

"Anyway," Balz intervenes, "We're gonna order some pizza, you guys want any?"

"Sure, but Alice doesn't eat meat." Reed says.

"Of course you don't." Ryan deadpans.

"Well, just order a separate pizza for us and we'll pay for it." Mara says.

"No, that's okay, we'll pay for it." Ghost says.

"No, we will pay for what we order." Mara says.

"You really don't need to, we've got it." Chris says.

Mara then nonchalantly pulls out the largest knife in the RV's kitchen knife set and points it inches away from Chris' tattooed neck.

"We're paying for what we order."

"You guys should pay for what you order." Chris says.

Mara nods, then puts the knife away. Chris exhales, then looks to the guys and mouths 'WHAT THE FUCK?!'

Reed smiles and crosses her arms, "Don't we have the best tour manager ever?"

"Well, I don't think you guys will ever have to worry about getting robbed." Vinny states.

"Of course not! Mara's our security system." Alice says.

"Yeah, that's kinda what we were implying." Ricky says.

"It's a miracle I don't have a criminal record yet." Mara says.

"Yet?" Balz whispers.

"Where's Blake?" Chris asks.

"Right here." Blake says.

Blake steps out in a low cut, mid-drift, button up top with sleeves that went up to the elbow, a black skater skirt and black pumps. Blake's makeup was done, complete with a dark, smokey eyeshadow, winged eyeliner and dark, maroon lipstick. Blake also wore a few miscellaneous jewelry items, and overall, looked totally badass.

"Woah." Chris says at seeing Blake.

"What?" Blake asks.

"That's just a very different outfit than what you were wearing yesterday."

"Are you complaining?"

"Absolutely not."

"Are those my shoes?" Hunter asks.

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