Chapter 3

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Hunter stands in the small bathroom of Tag, You're It's RV, looking at herself in the mirror and doing her hair and makeup as she talks on the phone with her stepmom.

"It's going well so far...Yeah, Blake is definitely working out better than Sierra...Mhm. How are Wendy and Dad?...Yeah? That's good. We have an of day in Florida on this tour, I'll have to have Dad touch up some of my tattoos..."

Since the door was open, Chris walks in and leans against the door frame. Hunter looks to him and puts a hand over her phone.

"What do you need?"


"For eyebrows or fake eyelashes?"


Hunter hands him a pair of tweezers, "Go nuts."


Hunter nods and resumes her conversation, "Uh huh...Yeah...Ooh, can I talk to her?...Hey, kiddo!...Yeah, what's up?...Awesome, how was school?...Good...Yeah...A band called Motionless in White...Mhm...Yeah, I'm getting ready right now...Uh huh...Okay...Love you too. Can you put your mom back on?...Hey...Yeah, I gotta finish getting ready...Okay...Love you too...Bye." Hunter says before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Chris asks.

"My stepmom and half-sister."

"How old's your sister?"


"Holy shit, you're fourteen years apart?"

"Mhm. Her name's Wendy. I'm quite a bit older than my half-brother, Elijah, too. He's only fifteen."

"Are you the oldest?"

"No. One of my step-sisters is older than me by a few months and my only full blooded sibling, my sister, Scarlett, is 29. Then my step-brother is 30. Then my other step-sister is 23. Then my brother has two siblings that aren't related to me; a sister that's 27 and a brother that's 36."

Chris blinks, "What?"

"Explain the family tree branch by branch, Hunter." Mara says.

"Alright, so my biological mom and dad get married. They have Scarlett and then they have me. Up to speed with me so far?"

"I'm pretty sure I follow you." Chris deadpans.

"Okay. Biological parents divorce. Some years later, my mother meets he-who-shall-not-be-named."


Hunter gives Chris a deadpanned look.

"Sorry." Chris says.

"Anyway, Mom and he-who-shall-not-be-named have my brother out of wed-lock when I'm eleven. He-who-shall-not-be-named already had two other kids prior to that who are my new brother's half-siblings, but who are not my siblings technically because he-who-shall-not-be-named never married my mom, thank God, and I'm not at all related to him by blood, thank God. You with me?"


"He-who-shall-not-be-named turns out to be an alcoholic child molester - much to my young self's dismay - and an outright dick head. So we said 'adios' to him. By this time, my dad and stepmom have already met and gotten married. Then they have Wendy a few years later. Then my mom gets together with another guy who is now my stepdad and he has two girls and a son from another marriage; they are my step-siblings. The end."

Chris blinks, "I have no words."

"Most people don't."

"It's just, I mean, that seems like a lot for someone to go through at such a young age..."

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